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“Nice to meet you.” They shook hands.

“I need some of that nappy rash cream and baby bath lotion Hope said you make, Mac.”

“I’ll get it for you, Ryan. How’s Brody and Hope doing?”

“Real well, thanks. Hope loved the wooden rattle you got him.”

“That wood’s been treated all natural like so it doesn’t upset the little man,” Mac said before heading down an aisle.

Ryan leaned on the counter looking at Shay.

“What’s that look for?” he asked his friend.

“You. I’ve never seen you so relaxed and chatty. Nappy rash cream?”

“My sister just had her baby. I’m an uncle of a truly superb little boy named Brody.”

“Yeah, poor wee man has your name.”

They exchanged insults, he purchased what was needed, then they left the store and made for The Hoot.

Ryan entered with Shay on his heels. The place was busy today, so he waved his friend to a table out back and went to the counter.

Buster wandered over. “Bud, what’ll it be?”

“Two coffees, please, two pies, and two of those chocolate and caramel gooey muffins.”

“Who you got here?” Buster leaned over the counter, but Shay was tucked out of sight.

“My bass player arrived.”

“Shay O’Malley? That guy is awesome.”

“I thought you didn’t like my band and my songs annoyed you.”

“Can’t have you getting all big-headed or anything,” Buster said. “Get your food, and I’ll bring the coffee, and you’ll introduce me.” Buster looked excited, which was not something you often saw on his face.

“You know I’m a big deal too, right?” Ryan went to the cabinets with two plates and started loading them up.

“Sure. Apparently you’re quite something. Can’t see it myself.”

“Asshole.” Ryan headed back to his friend.

“The view is amazing here; I can see why you like it. What I don’t understand is why you stayed away from Lake Howling so long,” Shay said.

“Not sure if you’ve noticed, but I’ve been busy with the band.”

“Yeah, I know that. But the break here has been good for you. Those songs you sent are some of your best work.”

“Thanks. I’m staying in this cabin; it’s cool and kind of refilling my creative well.”

Shay raised a brow. “I didn’t know it was empty.”

The door opened, and he looked up in time to see Faith walk in with Macy.

“If that is an example of the women in this town, I reiterate, why have you stayed away so long?”

He felt an irrational surge of anger but shut it down. His friend didn’t know how he felt about Faith. Hell, he didn’t know how he felt about Faith.
