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“So can I just say my favorite song is ‘History,’” Faith said. “It’s so good.”

“Oh yes, and Shay is awesome in that one,” Macy added.

“I like that one too.” Buster closed his eyes and hummed.

“’Hot House,’” Macy said. “Yes, that’s a good one too.”

Ryan just sat there in silence eating and drinking his coffee. Not once had any of them acknowledged him or what he did. Faith a little, and in an offhand way. If he didn’t know they genuinely liked him, he’d be seriously pissed about now.

“Ryan and Elijah write most of the songs. They’re the real brains behind Talon,” Shay said. “Loath as I am to admit it.”

“Yeah, we’re pretty proud of him here, but don’t tell him that,” Buster said.

“No way did you just say that, Baker Boy,” Ryan said.

“Don’t let it go to your head, bud.”

“As if. You lot treat me the same as you always have.”

“There you go, then. Our job is done,” Buster said. “Someone has to keep you grounded.”

“I’m getting a piece of carrot cake. You want anything, Macy?” Faith said.

“Carrots go in savory meals,” Shay said.

“True for the most part, but you bend the rules after eating this cake. I hate telling him how good he is, but Buster’s the best at baking,” Faith said

“Aww, shucks,” Buster said. “Make yourself a coffee while you’re there, seeing as I like you today.”

“You do it.” Faith frowned.

“I need to speak with Shay. We don’t get rock gods in here all that often.”

Ryan cleared his throat, and everyone ignored him.

“Hey!” Buster looked like he’d just found a recipe he’d been hunting for his entire life.


Buster’s eyes went from Ryan to Shay.

“He can help you judge tonight. That would give the locals a real kick.”

“Judge?” Shay asked.

“You explain that to him,” Ryan said, getting to his feet. He followed Faith because he was still hungry; there was absolutely no other reason. She was attempting to get a piece of cake out of the cabinet, sticking her tongue out the side of her mouth as she concentrated.

Damn, she’s cute.


“Hey.” She shot him a look before getting a second piece for Macy.

“How are you?”

“Since yesterday when I saw you in The Howler at the bar?” Her tone was light, but you were never too sure what was going on inside a woman’s head, especially this one.

“Yeah, since then.” He’d gone to The Howler last night for a beer because he’d wanted to, not because he’d wanted to see her.And you keep right on lying to yourself, you idiot.
