Page 129 of From This Moment

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Gulping in deep breaths as he left the building, he tried to think clearly.


Joe Trainer and his brothers were approaching.

“How is she?”

He didn’t speak, just kept walking.

“Don’t tell me you actually believe this BS?”

Joe grabbed his arm, his grip fierce. Dylan shook it off and faced him.

“She had motive.”

“Fuck motive!” Joe roared. “She’s had motive for years and never acted on it. Your mom has been buying a dozen donuts every week. Why now? And fuck you too for believing her capable. I thought she meant something to you. Thought you two had a thing.”

“The facts point to her.”

“Anyone could have put that poison in there, and you should know that. Know that maybe whoever did this is setting her up to get at you.”

“Your cousin made those donuts!” Dylan roared back.

He didn’t see it coming because he’d raised his eyes briefly, but the fist he took to the jaw sent him backward. He hit the wall, but didn’t drop.

“You’ve been in the city too long, Howard, if you can’t see a real person when she’s standing in front of you. Someone who would walk through fire for those she loves. Now get the fuck out of my sight.”

He looked from the fury of Joe to his brothers, who’d watched the entire incident in silence. Their anger was equally as menacing.

“Come on then, city boy, if you want to have a crack at me, take a swing. I’m in the mood,” Joe growled.

“No fighting!”

Chief Blake appeared.

“No fighting,” he said softly. “Piper doesn’t need this, and it’s not solving anything. Dylan, you go on now and get out of here, before these Trainers get off the leash and rip you apart.”

“They could try,” Dylan growled. His face ached like the devil, and he wanted to fight. Needed something to take the anger and tension from inside him.

“Whenever and wherever your game, city boy, you just let me know. I know you have my number, because that’s what we share with people we once considered friends.”

Dylan walked to his car and climbed in, then fired it up. Bracing his hands on the steering wheel, he leaned in and tried to think. Tried to get some clarity. He was good at that usually. Dissecting things, breaking them down until he had answers. All he could see was the absolute despair on Piper face when he’d doubted her.

Know that maybe who did this is setting her up to get at you.Joe Trainer’s words finally took hold inside his head.

Was that what this was? Had whoever was after his family decided to come at him through Piper? He hadn’t even thought of that angle, because he’d let emotion rule his head.

Looking at the building she was in, he fought the urge to go back inside. He didn’t care that her cousins were in there; if he wanted to see her, he’d do what it took to get there. But he doubted she’d want to see him again

His head hurt from all the thoughts churning around inside it.

Was Piper guilty? Or was she just another pawn in the game someone was playing with him?

Resting his jaw on the cool glass of his window, he tried to get some relief from the ache. Joe’s punch had been a good one.

He had doubts now that reality was setting in. When his mother had told him, the anger had robbed his sanity. He’d lost the ability to think clearly, but now... hell, now he had a feeling he may be wrong, and after what he’d just done, it was fair to say that if he was, he was in a pile of shit.

Chapter 34
