Page 131 of From This Moment

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“He has a right to his opinions,”the low-life rat. “It was his mother that was poisoned.”

“You care about each other, Pip, and don’t try and tell us otherwise,” Joe said. “Therefore he should know you well enough by now to realize you’d never do that.”

“We don’t.”

“Yes, you do.”

“Plus, there’s this trouble going down with his family, and it could be related to that.”

“What?” She looked at Joe. “Surely not?”

But it was possible, she realized, especially if they’d been seen together. Piper gave in to the emotion that had built up inside her then, and laid her head down on her arms and cried. These people loved her, they’d seen her cry, so if she was going to do it, now was okay. Hands patted her, and she felt kisses on the top of her head.

“I-I’m g-glad you hit him. I wanted t-to.”

This made them laugh.

“That looks bad,so I’m guessing it hurts like hell?”

Dylan didn’t look at Fin Hudson; instead he kept his eyes on the water. He’d been standing out there leaning on the railing for hours, and all he could see in his head was Piper, and her eyes when he’d asked her if she’d attempted to kill his mother.

“I got you a tea and scone from Tea Total.”

“Go away.”

“Miss Marla said she saw you here two hours ago, and you were brooding so she left you, but when she came back to check the progress on the community center foundations, which in case you haven’t noticed have been laid to your right, she thought that maybe you had a deeper problem than just brooding. She was worried about you enough to call me, as you’re public enemy number one right now with the Trainers.”

Dylan stood upright, and his muscles protested after being hunched in the same position for so long. He then looked at the park ranger. Fin wore a knitted cap, and Dylan wished he’d taken the time to put one on.

“I put two sugars in that sucker, thought you may need them?”

Dylan took the cup, even though it was tea, and sipped. “Thanks.”

“If I’d known the jaw was that bad I would have brought a steak.”

Dylan grunted.

“Joe has always had a good right hook.”

“If I say thanks for the tea, now leave, will you be offended?”

“No, but then I’m not going anywhere until we have a chat.”

“I don’t want to ‘chat.’”

“Now that’s too bad, as I’m in the mood.”

“Look, I get it, okay. She’s one of yours, and I-I accused her....” His words fell away.

“She didn’t do it, Dylan, and you know that for the truth now, don’t you?”

“I don’t know anything.”

He turned to lean on the railing again, away from Fin Hudson’s knowing eyes.

“Okay, I’m gonna talk and you listen.”

He said nothing.
