Page 155 of From This Moment

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“Hey, baby girl.” Dylan bent to pick up his daughter. “Is Mommy going to make an appearance soon?”

Dylan stood with Mickey under the trees out the back of his and Piper’s home. They’d spent months refurbishing the place, and finally moved in last week, eight months after he’d told Piper he loved her.

“She’s pretty.”

“I bet.” Grace had come out of her shell and was now a happy, healthy, and extremely loud toddler. Dylan loved her as if she’d been born his.

“You look pretty too.” He adjusted the small circlet of flowers on her head. “Do you like your pink shoes? They have sparkles on them.”

Her smile was wide and showed neat little white teeth.

Looking at the guests, his smile grew. These were his people now, and this was his place. He waved at the Robbins sisters, who had made the wedding cake. Beside them sat Bas from the garage, who had found the archway they were getting married under.

They’d kept their wedding day casual, with people standing or sitting. Trainers had helped Dylan cut trees and remove weeds to make the place presentable.

“So you’re really not coming back to New York,” Mickey said. “And this building thing is taking off, Fin tells me.”

It was. He had people lined up till the end of the month wanting him to do work for them. He still helped occasionally with FBI cases, but his heart was here now, and he’d never been happier.

“And here’s Mommy,” Mickey said, taking Grace from Dylan. “You come here now, princess.”

He gave his family a smile; they were all standing to his right. His mother had mellowed slightly. There was still an edge to her voice when she talked to a Trainer, but at least now she could do so without attacking them.Time, Dylan thought,everything takes time.

Ava was in rehab and doing well, and Charlie’s name had been cleared and she’d returned to her job. But now they talked every week.

He watched Piper appear and his smile was so wide it hurt his face. Her hair was long and in big curls. She wore a circlet of flowers like Grace, and her dress soft and floaty, white, and off the shoulder. She took his breath away, and she was all his. She held Joe’s arm, and he could see the emotions running through his old friend.

“Hi,” she whispered, reaching his side.

“Hi, you look amazing.”


“Ditto?” her cousin said. “You couldn’t come up with something more romantic than that?”

“Double ditto?”

Joe shook his head then stepped back. Mr. Goldhirsh, who had become a celebrant as he was not impressed with those in Ryker who were, started the ceremony.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

Dylan kissed his wife softly, easing her into his arms.

“My love,” he whispered against her lips.

He was home now, and right where he wanted to be, with his family and friends... but most of all he was with his girls. Life he decided, was really something to smile about.

* * *
