Page 1 of Somebody to Love

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Chapter 1

There weren’t too many things in life Joe Trainer couldn’t stomach. He could put on a load of wash without it upsetting his day, even clean up the mess some idiot made in his bar after drinking more than he could stomach. But grocery shopping, that was right up there with brussel sprouts to his mind. This issue usually reared its ugly head when he opened the fridge and found a wedge of moldy cheese, stale milk, and something suspicious growing on a plate that had been shoved to the rear, but little else. There’d also been the issue of washing his hair with soap because he’d run out of shampoo. Not too much of an issue as far as Joe was concerned, but his aunt would have plenty to say if she noticed. Although why she felt it necessary to check out his shower supplies when she dropped by, he had no clue.

“I just want guy shampoo,” he muttered, looking at the shelves before him. Three down, four wide. The bottles ranged in color and shape, like pretty wrapped candy.Nothing pretty here, however, he thought picking one up.

“What the hell is paraben and why don’t I want it in my shampoo?” Putting it back, he reached for another.

“You doing okay there, Joe?”

“God’s truth, Bit. I just want guy shampoo. Honest-to-goodness stuff that I put in my hair. It foams up, then I wash it out, usually getting it in my eyes at the same time.” Reading the label, he added, “Why would I want to put ylang-ylang on my head? Better still, what the hell is it?”

“Honestly, Joe, get more aware. The cananga tree has flowers called ylang-ylang, which is where the essential oils in that bottle you’re holding come from.”

Joe studied the tiny woman standing at his side. He’d only ever known her as Bit, even though she was actually Mrs. Rosemary Yardly. Her nickname came because she was a tiny bit of woman with a huge personality.

“How come you know this stuff?”

“This is my store. I need to know what I’m selling when morons like you come in clueless. It makes me feel smart.”

“Harsh but true.” Joe nodded.

She had white hair cut short, a round body, and wore a red apron with a can of beans on the front.

“Nice apron.”

“Thanks, you want one? I have a spare.”

“All good, you leave it for the staff, I’d hate to deprive them.”

“You’re a good man, Joe Trainer.”

“Everyone’s saying it,” Joe muttered, picking up another bottle of shampoo and reading the label.

“Buzz’s dog biscuits are on special if you want to pick him up some more.”

“I’ll do that thanks.”

A loud crash rang through the store.

“What the hell was that?” Joe said.

“The sound of my profits. What idiot has dropped something now?”

Bit left at a run, leaving him no closer to his shampoo choice. Joe closed his eyes and reached out, selecting the first bottle he touched. He then placed it in the cart and continued down the aisle, making random selections. Joe wasn’t a list shopper... in fact any shopper. He bought what appealed, end of story.

Turning, he was hit with the tang of pickles. Deciding that he didn’t need anything from that aisle right at that moment, he took the next, and stopped several feet down it. A woman was standing on the toes of her peach-colored sneakers, trying to reach something on the top shelf. On the slim side, she had long legs in fitted, worn jeans boasting a label that told him they’d been worth some serious money when they were new. His eyes travelled to the outline of two ribs he could see between the small band of smooth skin and the waistband of her white long-sleeved T-shirt.

“Need some help?”

“No, I got it, thanks.”

He watched as she reached for something, but failed.

“Just a few more inches and you may just do it,” Joe encouraged.

Her blonde hair was on top of her head in a messy knot that women seemed to favor, and he had to admit to liking it.

Checking the label on the box she was inches from reaching, Joe felt the small sting of pain he always felt seeing Bailey’s favorite candy.It’s been fifteen years, bud, time to let her go.Joe wondered, as he often did, how Bailey Jones had made such an impression in his life the two years she was in it.
