Page 103 of Somebody to Love

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“Elijah was murdered, Joe,” Fin said in his ear. “Bullet to the back of the head.”

“Fuck,” Joe said, running a hand through his hair. “Come over later, and we’ll talk.” He ended the call, then went to find his brothers. They were in the tack room.

“Elijah was murdered. There was a bullet hole in the back of his head.”

“Hell!” Jack said.

“I know it, and add in the crap that’s going down with us and it’s a massive pile of shit.”

“This shit is just pissing me off now,” Luke said, looking worried.

“Be diligent,” Joe said, then he went to rub his horse down. After, he found Bailey. She’d done what needed to be done, and was now hugging Sandy while she ate.

“Hey.” Joe leaned on the half door.

“I love horses.”

She didn’t move. Just stood there with her eyes closed, resting.

“I think she loves you too.”

“Every time I close my eyes, Elijah Neil is going to be there, isn’t he, Joe?”

He let himself into the stable and put his arms around her where she still rested against the horse. Her hair was damp, and he could feel that even standing here was an effort. It was all done now, the adrenaline and courage. She was out on her feet.

“For a while you probably will. So maybe the doctor can help you with that. Something to help you sleep for a while.”

“I don’t take pills.”


“My mother lives on them. They keep her sane, she says. But what she really means is they let her zone out instead of dealing with my grandfather.”

“So she wasn’t there for you?”

“She tried.” Opening her eyes, she placed a soft kiss on Sandy’s neck, then slid sideways out of his arms. “Just not very hard.”

“I’m sorry.”

The smile she gave him was sad.

“It’s not your fault, just as it’s not mine your father wasn’t a good one. But it’s moments like this that you really want a special someone in your life.”

He’d been about to tell her he was here for her, when he heard Piper shriek.


Joe watched his cousin sprint past him and into the arms of the woman standing in the stable doorway. Big like Piper, she had been the rock that the Trainer family had needed to tether themselves to. With long gray hair, usually piled on top of her head, Aunt Jess had a ruddy complexion, working-woman hands, and a belly laugh that made everyone join in. Before he realized he was even moving, Joe was heading her way.

Bailey watchedthe four Trainer children surround the woman. She’d heard about Piper’s mother, Aunt Jess, and there was no doubt they all loved her very much. She felt a small tug of pathetic jealousy that there was no Aunt Jess in her life.

Her life had been a good one, but she was beginning to understand that if she’d stood up for herself, it may have been better. Standing up to her grandfather wouldn’t have been easy, but Bailey knew she could do it now... and would one day soon to get back what was hers.

She had Maggs and Beau in her life now, too. Plus, there was Joe, but she wasn’t sure what label to put on what was between them yet.

Deciding that her bed was what she needed before she simply fell onto the hay and gave in to exhaustion, Bailey moved quietly out of the barn, leaving the Trainer family to their reunion. Early evening was settling over Ryker Falls. The twins were blocking the lowering sun, and the air was cooler now. Maggie would be home, and she wanted to see her friend, and explain what had happened. She then needed a bath and food, in that order, and lastly sleep.

She saw him again, Elijah Neil and his wide-open eyes. He’d been pale and bloated, his hair floating off his head. She’d not known him in life, but in death he’d been a frightening image.
