Page 105 of Somebody to Love

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“With Aunt Jess. She’s one of his favorite people, because she feeds him constantly. Now strip.”

“I’m just taking a minute here.”

“Lost the use of your limbs?”

“Something like that.”

“How about I help you?”

“I got it.” Bailey attempted to rise, but he was there and simply lifted her to her feet. “I said I got it, Joe.”

“I get that suddenly you have this newfound need to be in control of your own destiny... really, it’s admirable,” he said, reaching for the hem of the jacket she wore. “I’m all for strong women, but right now you need my help, so let me give it.”

“You are not undressing me.” She attempted to slap his hands aside as he reached for her clothes. Resistance, it seemed, was futile. “I’m sure I should be putting up more of a fight.” As the words finished on a yawn, he snorted.

“Just give in gracefully, sweet cheeks.”

“Sweet cheeks?” Bailey was now naked, and too tired to care.

“You are sweet, even dirty and tired.”

Bailey found the mirror that was rapidly steaming up. Her face was pale and dirty, and her hair hung in a damp braid.

“Get in the shower, Bailey.”

She did, because she wanted to. The spray made her moan.

“That good, huh?”

“And more. Sorry, Joe, I won’t be long, I know you must be tired too.”

“I have another shower in the house if I wanted to use it.”

“Why don’t....” Bailey’s words trailed off as he stepped through the door.

“Got room in there for me?”

“I’ll be out soon.” Her mouth had gone dry.

“It’s my duty to make sure you don’t fall down the drain. So move that cute butt.”

And suddenly the shower stall that had seemed big was now not. He moved in, all sleek muscles and big body.

“I’ve never showered with someone before.”

“Let me educate you, then,” he said, picking up the soap, and beginning to do just that.

Chapter 30

They pulled up outside the main house thirty minutes later. Bailey was quiet as she got off the ATV. Joe followed, moving to stand behind her as she looked up at the house she’d lived thirteen years of her life in.

They’d showered together, and he’d washed every inch of her lovely body. He’d then taken her right there against the wall. It had been slow and wet, and he’d swallowed her moans, bracing her hands above her head while he kissed her. Joe wasn’t sure he’d ever get enough of her.

He’d found her one of his old denim shirts to wear. It came to her knees, and the cuffs had to be rolled several times. Her hair was loose and damp, face bare, cheeks pink from the shower. On her feet were the peach sneakers. She looked innocent and sexy at the same time.

“You’re rocking that look.”

She didn’t take her eyes from the house.
