Page 117 of Somebody to Love

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The door opened, and a black polished shoe came out. The leg that followed was in a tailored trouser, and on top he wore a pale blue shirt, silver-and-blue-striped tie, and waistcoat that told Joe somewhere in the depths of that car was a suit jacket hanging from something.

“I’ve come to take my granddaughter home, as you have yet to achieve my wishes, Clark.”

He was tall, only an inch or two shorter than Joe. Lean, and fit, was his guess, even considering his years were considerably more advanced than both the men before him.

“She doesn’t want to come back to Boston, and is happy here in Ryker Falls.”

At least Clark had now come round to the fact she wasn’t going back.

Leonard Southby’s mouth thinned. “She has no idea what she wants, foolish girl. I will take control as I always have. Bailey is not fit to make her own decisions. I will talk to her, and we will leave shortly thereafter.”

“Not going to happen.” Joe drew the man’s eyes with his words. “Bailey is a friend, and I know the influence you’ve had on her, her entire life, Southby, and it’s stopping right now. You may want to look at releasing her money too, before we get lawyers involved.”

For a brief moment the cool, arrogant facade slipped, and in its place was shock. He scrambled, and soon it was back in place, but Joe enjoyed the moment of weakness.

“And who are you to speak to me this way?”

“Joe Trainer. Friend... really good friend.” He saw the man had read between the lines.

“My granddaughter has a fiancé, and he is standing here. Perhaps he has something to say about that.”

“Bailey and I broke our engagement, and it was the right thing, Leonard. Neither of us loved each other, and we’re better friends.”

“Love!” The man scoffed, and Joe felt his dislike for him notch upward. “She needs someone like you, Clark. My granddaughter does not need the complication of love.”

“Oh hell no,” Joe said softly. “You did not just say loving Bailey would be a complication. She’s funny, intelligent, and so goddamn beautiful it hurts just looking at her,” he snarled. “She deserves better than the cold, lifeless world you created for her, and she’s going to get it.”


Joe looked over his shoulder and saw Bailey. She’d obviously just come from the stables. Her hair was in a single braid, wisps everywhere. A streak of mud ran along her chin, and she wore an old black T-shirt that he thought may have belonged to Maggie, as it had the words Art is for Life on it. Her long legs were in designer jeans that now had a rip midthigh. On her feet were her now-grubby peach sneakers.

“It seems I have timed my arrival perfectly, if this is the state you are walking about in public in. You are a disgrace, Granddaughter. Get in my car at once.”

She’d inherited something from her grandfather. Her expression. Not by a flicker did she betray what she felt, but Joe knew her well. She was shocked, and her grandfather’s words had hurt her. The old bastard hadn’t even hugged her.

“And there was me thinking she looked hot.” Joe moved to her side, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “How you doing, sweet cheeks?”

Chapter 33

Bailey couldn’t breathe. She felt it again, the tight band of tension inside her. Leaving her grandfather had made her realize just how much he controlled her, and how much being near him had made her feel small and uncomfortable.

“It’s all right, Bailey.”

Joe leaned in and placed a kiss on her head. She loved him right then. Admitted that what she felt was a total and unconditional love for the man at her side. As a child it had been a sweet, painful thing, but now it was another level. Suddenly, all the arguments and disagreements they’d had seemed silly.

But she couldn’t think about that now; she had to deal with the man standing before her. Later, she’d talk to Joe.

“Why are you here, Grandfather?”

His eyes narrowed at her tone. Bailey had never questioned her grandfather. Never made waves, always complied with his wishes.

Silly, weak-kneed fool that I was.

“To bring you home. It is time for you to start playing again. I have had requests, and people are starting to talk.”

“She’s not coming back, Leonard, I told you.” Clark followed these words up by moving to her other side. Suddenly she was supported on both sides. Her grandfather did not like it.

“You’re fired, Munro!”
