Page 127 of Somebody to Love

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Bailey grabbed a handful of his hair and tugged him down as he drove inside her again and again. It was fast and intense, and when it was over, she lay breathless in his arms.

“I love you,” he whispered into her hair.

“I love you too,” Bailey said, nudging him out of bed. “Now go, because I know you have to get to work... but I get to lie here for a bit longer.”

“Witch.” He braced his hands beside her head and kissed her softly, before reaching for his jeans.

Bailey enjoyed the view, admiring the muscles of his body as he moved.

“Are you checking me out?”


“Totally,” he mimicked. Minutes later, after another kiss, he was gone.

Bailey showered and dressed after Joe left, and wandered downstairs still smiling. He loved her, and she loved him, the rest they could work out, and for the first time in a long while, Bailey felt hope. Her life was about to take another turn for the better.

She passed Joe’s office, and saw two cups on his desk. Looking inside made her shudder. Lord knew how many days they’d been there.

Lifting the cups, she discovered one was stuck to the folder beneath, and papers flew everywhere. As she picked them up, she glanced at one and froze. Minutes later she’d read all the correspondence in that folder.

Walking into his bar twenty minutes later, she had herself under control. She was halfway up the stairs to his office when she heard the male voices. Joe’s, and her grandfather’s raised in anger.

“What’s it going to take for you to understand she’s not leaving, Mr. Southby?”

Bailey made herself stop outside the door and listen.

“My granddaughter is meant for more than you, Mr. Trainer.”

“You have no clue what your granddaughter is meant for, because you’ve never asked her. And I’m telling you right now, I love her and we are going to marry and she is staying here with me.”

Bailey clenched her teeth to stop the smile she felt at his words. He loved her, and wanted to marry her; that felt good. But he still had no right to tell her grandfather they were going to marry when he hadn’t asked her yet.

“She will never marry you, and I’ll fight you every step of the way if you try—”

“That’s enough, Grandfather.” Bailey walked into the room. Joe stood on his side of the desk, and her grandfather across from him. “I want you to leave now, please. Go back to the lodge and pack your things. You need to go back to Boston.”


“No more, Grandfather. We’re done, and I will not be returning with you, so you need to understand that. We have things to discuss, so I will follow you to the lodge soon, but then you must leave Ryker Falls.”

He gave her one final look, then walked out the door, closing it softly behind him.

“He’ll be all right, Bailey,” Joe said. “But I think he finally understands you’re not going back with him.”

She looked at him, with his hands braced on his desk, pose as intimidating as he could make it, and felt that little kick again inside her chest.

“I doubt that, Joe, but you had no right to tell my grandfather we were going to marry.”

“We are.” He said the words calmly, as if she’d just accept them.

“You never asked me, and I had a right to that at least, before you told him.”

He shrugged, brushing her words away. “You will marry me.”

“I won’t be controlled again, Joe.”

“How is this me controlling you?”
