Page 13 of Somebody to Love

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“No, I don’t, but as yet I’m not sure what’s going on with you.”

“Does there need to be something going on? I mean, can’t I just be here to see you and take a holiday?”

“Hmmm.” Maggs made a noise that was neither agreeing nor disagreeing.

They were driving down the main street of Ryker, looking for a place to park. Her friend had dragged her out the house with the promise of good food and wine.

“I’ve talked at you for hours. Shared my entire life story, yet you’ve told me nothing about yourself, Bailey, other than everything is wonderful... fine, in fact. What I really want to know is why you’ve stopped performing, and where you’ve been since?”

Bailey didn’t want to talk about that stuff, because it was painful.

“You know what I’ve been doing, Maggs. I wrote about it in the letters I sent you. I went to Juilliard, then performed around the world. I didn’t have time for much else.” Her life had been a strict schedule of practice and engagements, which she had enjoyed until they started to suffocate her. Then one day, everything had changed.

“What about people you know or things you’ve done outside music. Got drunk with friends, the night you lost your virginity. I want to hear those stories.”

“Ha ha.” Bailey made herself laugh. “That would take hours.” In fact, it would take seconds, because other than a few brief rebellions that involved leaving hotel rooms and walking about cities alone, there wasn’t anything to tell. Losing her virginity had also been spectacularly unsuccessful, and painful.

Bailey looked out the window at the streetlights; she still found it hard to believe that she was actually back here in Ryker.

“I’ll share the virginity story if you will.”

She laughed again.

Maggie sighed. “I’m worried about you.”

“Don’t be. Instead, help me find some work for the time I’m here.”

“Why do you need work? Aren’t you rich?”

“Hardly that, and I want to work. Maybe there’s somewhere I could play at nights?”

“But you’re on holiday.”

“I get bored easily.”

“So what were you doing before you came to Ryker, if you stopped performing?”

“This and that.”


“And I need a job, Maggs. I promise to fill in the gaps soon, but for tonight can we just have fun?”

She felt Maggie’s eyes on her, but kept hers out the window. She had money, she just wasn’t able to access it, and wouldn’t be able to until she gave in to her grandfather. Yet another stupid mistake on her part. Bailey shuddered at how gullible and easily manipulated she’d allowed herself to be. She was in this predicament because she had no backbone, but that was changing now.

“Okay, fun it is.”

Maggs found parking, and they got out and headed up the street. The weather was cooling in Ryker, summer drawing to a close and fall approaching. She followed Maggie into a bar that she’d told Bailey was the place to go in Ryker.

“A.S. is owned and run by Joe Trainer—you met him this morning, Bailey. We’ll go find him later, because he may need an entertainer, although I’m not sure someone of your caliber wants to play here.”

“Don’t be a snob, Maggs,” Bailey said as her heart sank to her toes at the thought that she was entering Joe’s bar and would see him again soon. “There are some amazing piano players who aren’t on the stage.”

“I stand corrected.”

Joe owned this. Looking around, Bailey was impressed. The space was big, but tastefully decorated, and already full of people. He’d changed a lot since she’d last seen him, and not just in appearance, it seemed.

“As you should. Bad girl,” Bailey said, looking for Joe. She had to get this under control if she was to stay in Ryker for a while. She couldn’t stiffen up whenever he was near, and her heart had to learn to keep a steady rhythm. Exposure to him should sort that out. She hoped it did, anyway.
