Page 133 of Somebody to Love

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“That’s a positive then. So what else is bugging you?”

Joe frowned. “I’m not sure, it’s just a feeling. I’ve called Bailey several times, but she’s not answering.”

They heard footsteps, and both turned to see who was coming up the stairs. It wasn’t Bailey, much to his disappointment. The steps were too heavy.

“Chief Blake. What brings you up here?” Joe said, getting to his feet to shake the man’s hand.

“Found your father on his way out of town. Have him in custody now, Joe. He’s saying he has lots to confess about the fire in your stable and who shot at Jack and Bailey, but won’t speak until you’re there.”

“Let’s go,” Joe said, stuffing his phone into his back pocket.

“I’m coming,” Fin said, getting to his feet as Joe passed.

He didn’t answer, just followed Chief Blake from Apple Sours, his stomach twisted into knots.

Joe hideverything he felt as he walked down the hall leading to where his father was being held. Every shred of anger, and hurt, he locked away, because he needed his father to know that nothing he had done to him had impacted on his life. That he’d risen above being the son of a violent, unloving scumbag like Tim Trainer.

He didn’t inhale, nor clench his fists; he schooled his features and followed Chief Blake. Fin gripped his shoulder briefly, and he took strength from the contact. He wasn’t alone anymore, he had people at his back. People he loved, who loved him right back.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t my eldest son. Joe, glad you came to bail me out.”

He hadn’t seen his father in years, and the first shock was that he’d shrunk, and his face was showing signs of the hard life he’d obviously lived. Lined, weathered, and with his two front teeth missing, he didn’t look like the intimidating man he’d once been. The man who had put the fear of God into Joe and his brothers using violence.

“I knew you’d come, son. Knew you’d see reason and bail your dad out. Blood is important, boy, like I always told you. Just need you to post it, son, I’ll see you get it back. I’ve had a few problems, but with a good lawyer I’ll get off.”

It wasn’t anger that had him stepping up to the bars, it was retribution. Just once he wanted this man to know what he and his brothers had experienced. Dear old dad didn’t see it coming. He leaned in as Joe drew near, with a look on his face that said he thought he’d win this round too.

Joe shot his fist through the bars and sent Tim Trainer reeling backward.

“Well hell, Joe,” the police chief said. “I’m sure there’s a few laws you just broke, but damned if I can remember which ones.”

“You bastard!” Tim Trainer came up spitting. “I’ll fucking kill you!”

“Open the door, Chief. Let him try.”

The chief played along and moved forward, jangling his keys about. Tim Trainer’s eyes widened as he looked at the fire in his son’s eyes, and he stepped back.

“No! Don’t let him in here!”

“Scared? Worried now I’m bigger than you, and you can’t defend yourself?”

“You can’t speak to me like that!”

“I can speak to you how the hell I like. I haven’t seen you in years, and we’ve shared a total of two phone calls, both with you begging for money. Do you honestly think I would do anything for you, the man who made our lives hell as children?”

“I taught you respect!” Tim Trainer stayed away from the bars.

“You taught us fear and nothing more. Now you know how that feels, you piece of shit!”

“And now the family reunion is over, you can tell us what we need to hear.” Fin stepped up to the bars. “Or I’ll personally make sure he can get at you.”

“Well now, Fin, you do have the spare set of keys,” Chief Blake said.

He knew what Tim Trainer had done to his sons, and was pretty pissed about it, like a few of the other residents in Ryker Falls.

“I ain’t talking without benefit.”

“I’ll give you a thousand to clear out of town and never come back. But I want it written and signed by you that if you return, Chief Blake will be within his rights to put you in a cell.”
