Page 137 of Somebody to Love

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“Shhh, we know, love.” He cupped her face. “I love you.”

She held on to him, her fingers grabbing the front of his shirt. He could feel the thud of her heartbeat pressed to his chest.

“Angie killed Elijah, Joe.”

“We know, love. Let me get you out of here now.” She’d lost a lot of blood, and he needed to get her to a doctor fast. He lifted her into his arms, gently holding her close so he didn’t hurt her. “It’s all right now, I have you.”

“Sh-she wanted you.”

“I know. Don’t talk now, baby.”

She nodded, her hands gripping his shirt as she held him close.

“You’re such a strong girl, Bailey Jones. Strong and smart,” he said. “You knew to drop the locket and come here. Knew that eventually I’d find you.” He kept talking to distract her as he carried her to the entrance. Luke was there waiting for him.

“I h-hoped you’d understand and find me.”

“I’ll always find you. We need to get you back now, love. Get that leg looked at.”


“Is in custody.”

Between him and Luke they got her up the rest of the bank. This part wasn’t as steep, but still an effort for a woman with a bullet in her leg. He felt every hiss of breath Bailey took, but she didn’t complain. Once he’d reached the top, Luke pulled out his phone.

“I’m going to get clear of the trees and find some coverage and call Jack to bring transport. You hold on now, Bailey.”

Joe watched his brother sprint off through the trees, and then looked at Bailey.

“I feel—”

Joe watched her eyes roll back in her head as she lost consciousness. Picking her up, he followed Luke. He was relieved when he heard the hum of the ATV a short while later.

They got her to the house, and into Luke’s pickup. Luke drove, breaking every speed limit, and they reached the hospital in minutes. Joe carried her in, and soon she was on a gurney with nurses and doctors taking her away from him.

“Let’s go.” Jack took one arm, and Luke the other, and they dragged him to the waiting room. The same room he’d sat in to wait for news on his brother.


He took the coffee Piper handed him later, but refused the sandwich from Aunt Jess. The Robbins sisters brought him a scone, which Miss Marla broke into pieces and fed him one bite at a time. He didn’t have the energy to refuse. Worry gnawed at him, and fear held his body tense.

“Angie is in custody, alongside your father,” Fin said. “They’re both going down for murder, although Angie could end up pleading insanity.”

“I don’t care where she ends up as long as she pays, but it won’t bring Elijah back, or take back the hurt that was inflicted on Jack and Bailey.” His words were a growl.

“This is not your fault, Joe.”

“Angie did this because of me, Fin.”

“So her insanity and your father’s greed are your fault suddenly?”

He blew out a breath as guilt ate away at him. “No, I know they’re not. But the fact is Elijah died because I broke things off with Angie.”

“Which you would have done eventually anyway—or she would have ended up killing you.”

“I guess... hell, I don’t know.” Joe lowered his head into his hands. “It’s a fucking mess is what it is.”

“The doctor’s here, Joe.”
