Page 32 of Somebody to Love

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“And there’s the fifteen-ton elephant in the room,” he said. “The letters.”

“Just leave it, Joe.”

“Come with me, Bailey, and I’ll tell you why I didn’t reply to any of the ones you wrote me.”

“I don’t think any good can come from discussing that, Joe.” Bailey wasn’t sure she wanted to know the truth.

“How about we go for a ride, and you can ask a few questions if you want, and I’ll answer them.”

“I d-don’t have questions. I told you, the past is better left there.”

“You were never a good liar, Bailey Jones. Come on, ride with me for old times’ sake.”

The lure of being on a horse was the only thing that had her nodding. Not the time she would spend in his company.

“There now, that wasn’t hard.” He moved his mount closer to the fence between them. “You climb on over, and I’ll give you a ride to the stables.”

“I can walk.” There was no way she wanted to get on that horse with him.

“For someone who comes across as reserved, and once hated confrontation and being difficult, you surely are.”

Bailey kind of liked the idea that maybe she was a bit difficult.

“Just do it, Bailey, I don’t have all day.”

She should have turned and walked away, but no, she let him goad her into staying. He used to goad her into most things. Gripping the fence, she climbed on top, then squealed as hands grabbed her. She was placed gently in front of Joe.

“A bit of warning!”

“I told you I was giving you a lift to the stables. Now relax, I don’t bite.”

“Ha,” Bailey managed, her mouth now dry. One of his arms banded around her waist, hauling her closer, and suddenly she was surrounded by Joe Trainer. The solid planes of his chest pressed to her back, her thighs resting on his. His other hand held the reins and she noted the silver band on his finger again, and wondered who had given it to him.

“So you didn’t write any bad stuff in the letters, but I read between the lines. You weren’t happy all the time in Boston. What was it really like?”


“Now tell me the truth.”

“Joe, there’s no point to this. Those years don’t matter anymore.”

“I think there is a point, and they matter to me. You’re uncomfortable around me, and not for a good reason, so if we talk that may help.”

“Good reason?”

“You think I’m sexy as hell and—”

“Right, got it, thanks.” She cut him off.

His laugh was a deep rumble against her back.

“So tell me the truth, Bailey. Were you happy?”

“I hated it.” She said the words quickly to cover her embarrassment.But mostly because I missed you so much it was a physical pain inside me.


“Just because. Tell me about the horses, Joe.”
