Page 56 of Somebody to Love

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And there it was, the little extra tension that was in the air between them.

“Bailey, I need to explain to you about Angie. I don’t want you to think—”

“I don’t want to hear it, Joe. What happens in your life is none of my business, as what happens in my life is none of yours. What h-happened between us was wr-wrong, especially considering you and Angie have a thing, but let’s put it down to insanity and move on.”

“It wasn’t.” He grabbed her as she tried to leave. “Nothing that good could be wrong or considered insane. Angie and I don’t have a thing either.”

“Don’t lie to me, Joe!”

“I’m not. We’re—”

“I saw her. Saw the way she walked up to you with that secret smile, and wanted you to kiss her. It made me feel terrible. So I won’t be a party to that again, even if you will.”

“What the hell are you implying?” Joe felt his anger climb. She wouldn’t give him a chance to explain, wouldn’t believe him.

She pulled her arm free and left without answering. Joe stared at the washing machine until his blood had cooled. How was he supposed to get her to listen?

“Jesus, women drive me fucking crazy,” he muttered, then kicked the washing machine for no other reason than it felt good.

“You got a minute, Joe?” Em poked her head around the door.

“Sure.” He left the room, and followed his manager. Of Bailey there was no sign, which pissed him off, because in his current mood, he’d been ready to pick her up and lock them both in his office until she listened to him.

“I’ve put Elijah Neil in your office, Joe. He said he needed to speak with you urgently.”

“Thanks.” Joe headed up and wondered what the man wanted. They’d run together for a while as teenagers, and then Elijah’s family had stepped in and banned him from having anything to do with that bad Trainer boy.

“Elijah.” Joe walked in and shook his hand. Buzz was snoring softly in his bed, no doubt thinking of his next dog biscuit and whom he could fleece. “What can I do for you?”

He sat behind his desk, and Elijah took the chair.

“How’s Jack doing?”

“He’s coming along well, thanks.”

“I was up on the trails yesterday, Joe. Went for a quick hike at lunch.”

Elijah was someone who enjoyed nature. There wasn’t a week went by when he wasn’t out hiking, and usually dragging his wife and four children with him.

“Good day for it.”

“It was. But that’s not why I’m here.”

The man’s face was serious, not an expression he usually wore.

“I saw someone as I passed the lodge, Joe. He was lurking around the outbuildings. There was something about him that triggered a memory in my head, so I moved closer. He got spooked and ran.”

He wasn’t sure why ice was suddenly slithering down his spine, but Joe felt cold.

“It was your father, Joe. I’m 100 percent on that, because he recognized me just as I did him.”

He couldn’t speak for a few seconds. His father was back in Ryker, and his brother had been shot. Coincidence? He didn’t think so.

“I’m obliged to you for coming to me, Elijah. But I’d be grateful if you didn’t tell anyone else what you saw for now.”

“I have no issue with that at all.” Elijah got to his feet.

“And let me know if you see him again.”

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