Page 67 of Somebody to Love

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“You should, it’s totally cathartic,” Piper said, thrusting tissues into her hands. “You can’t beat a good cry for release. Other than sex that is, that works too.”

“Gr-grandfather told me that Beau had said I was a spoilt brat and wanted nothing more to do with me. When I rang Beau to talk about it with him, he had no time for me, which confirmed it.”

“Confirmed how? He may have been working, or sick... or having an off day, Bailey. I cannot believe you just called him once!” Maggs looked angry.

“I’ve spoken to him a few more times since then,” Bailey rushed to add. “But it’s stilted and both of us are uncomfortable.”

“That’s just bullshit, and I bet it’s your grandfather who caused the rift between you,” Piper added.

She tried to lighten the mood. “But I did spend my twenty-first birthday in Paris.”

“Okay, so I’m not feeling sorry for you after hearing that,” Maggs said. “When did you last speak to Beau?”

“I can’t remember.”

“Do you want to speak with him? Does he know you’ve run away?”

“I haven’t run away!” Bailey looked at the two women. “I had an accident, and after, I just didn’t want to do it anymore. The punishing schedules and living out of a suitcase. I wanted it to stop, so I walked away to have some breathing space.”

“Nice,” Piper said.

“Pass my laptop, Piper, it’s in that red case.” Maggs pointed to the small side table. Bailey watched Piper do as she was asked. Maggie got the computer out and opened the lid.

“What’s Beau’s full name?”


“Just give it to me, Bailey,” Maggie said.

“Beauregard Winston Jones.”

“And he lives in Paris?”

She nodded.

“What are you doing?”

“Finding him on Skype. We’ll send him a friend request, and see if he replies, although he’s not likely to remember me.”

“Really?” The thought of seeing her brother was terrifying, and yet exciting too. “But he may not want to speak to me.”

Maggs looked up briefly and shook her head. “I can’t believe the girl I knew let someone steamroller her like you have.”

“I didn’t... not all the time. It wasn’t all bad.” She felt the need to defend herself.

“No, I get that, but not having a phone, or a laptop. How the hell does that even happen? Then this shit with Beau, Bailey. It’s BS is what it is.”

Taking a breath, she told them the rest. “He controlled my money. I-I have none.”

“What?” Maggs’s shriek made Piper wince. “That bastard!”

“It’s complicated,” Bailey said, then swallowed more wine, as she wanted to keep the mellow feeling going, if only for tonight. “But when I started performing he set up a bank account, and gave me money. I then set one up, and he paid it into that. I thought it was sorted and I had control, but it wasn’t until I left I realized that wasn’t the case.”

“But it’s your money, surely?” Piper asked.

“It is, but he won’t release it to me until I return and start performing.”

“The scars on your arm?” Maggs asked. “That’s the accident?”
