Page 90 of Somebody to Love

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“Did you recognize that man at all, Bailey?” he said as they drove down the main street.

“No, he was in the shadows, plus his face was lowered.” Bailey had heard something in his voice that made her look at him. “Why do you ask, Joe?”

He hesitated.

“Tell me.”

“My father has been seen around Ryker.”

“But he would have no reason to attack me, surely? Besides, how did he know I’d be out there at that time?”

“I don’t know. Maybe he knows about us, and recognized you.”

“What us? We’ve barely spent any time together.”

“I can’t be within a foot of you, Bailey, and someone not know what I’m thinking, and tonight you stood up for me in public.”

She didn’t want to feel the slither of fear that crawled up her spine, but it was there nonetheless.

“I won’t let him hurt you, Bailey.”

“I can look after myself, Joe.”

“Sure, kick-ass chick is what you are, but I have your back too, just like you had mine tonight.”

She thought about that as they drove through Ryker, and liked the idea that someone had her back.

Bailey wassilent as he pulled his pickup into the garage. Switching off the engine, Joe got out and came round the hood to join her.

“What is that noise?”

Joe listened as Buzz’s yowls increased in volume.

“Buzz is letting me know he’s not impressed that I left him home alone. With, I might add, a large rawhide bone, and soft bed, which he won’t use, as he will have slept on the furniture, and his favorite music playing.”

“Wow, it’s really loud.”

“This is the side to that mutt that the townspeople don’t see. He sulks, spits up on things, and chews my shoes.”

“He’s the best dog I’ve ever known.”

“Not you too,” Joe said, brushing a kiss over her hair. “Come inside and be quiet, I want you to see the treatment I get from him when he’s pissed off like he is now.”

Joe opened the door and led Bailey though the mudroom, and down a hall, into the living area.

“Hey there, Buzz.” His dog was sitting with his back to the door Joe and Bailey had just entered. “Come on, bud, don’t be a baby, come and greet me.”

Buzz yowled out a chorus of what Joe liked to think of as insults, and refused to face him. Beside him, Bailey giggled.

“He’s so cute.”

The dog turned so fast, his neck had to have cracked. He then got up with a loud, joyous woof, and ran at Bailey. She dropped to her knees and hugged him.

“Hello,” Joe said. “Owner here. You know, the one who feeds and puts a roof over your head,” he said, and was ignored by those participating in the mutual admiration festival taking place before him.

“Be nice to your daddy, Buzz.”

The dog looked up at him, and gave him a small tail wag.
