Page 93 of Somebody to Love

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“I don’t know... maybe, or maybe I just came here because it was somewhere that once, for a brief period of time, I actually felt like I belonged. Both you and Maggs gave me that.”

“I’m glad you came back, and for now that’s enough.”

Joe kissed her again, long and slow. He then picked up her hand and kissed the scar that ran down her wrist and into the palm.

“Does it still hurt?”

“Sometimes, just an ache, but it’s better.”

“How did it happen?”

“I was running, actually, down some stairs, because I was late for practice, and I tripped and fell through the window at the bottom.”

“Christ, you’re lucky these were all you ended up with.”

“I was. The surgeons said that.”

“And you spent time in hospital?”

“That was where I did some thinking, and realized I needed to change my life. Grandfather wasn’t happy, but I didn’t care. I did rehab, then told him I wanted a break. He refused, we argued, so I left. I simply packed up my things, and walked out the door.”

“I hate that you were in pain, Bailey, but I can’t be unhappy about the fact that you came back to me. I’m just sorry that your accident was the catalyst.”

His smile was gentle, as was the kiss he placed on her lips. It grew deeper, and when he slid inside her, Bailey was soon lost to all thought but him.

When Bailey arrivedat the stables, she found Jack in the office. He swiveled in his chair to look at her.

“You have the same smile on your face that Joe had when I saw him earlier.”

“No, I don’t.”

“Sure you do. The ‘I’m extremely happy with myself’ smile.”

Bailey wasn’t used to people speaking like that, especially about personal stuff.

“Bailey, Bailey, Bailey,” Jack said, rocking back in his chair as color filled her face. “You need to harden up to that kind of thing if you and my brother are in a relationship. You’ll get a bucketload of teasing from the others, believe me. I’m just warming you up.”

“We’re not.”

“Not what?”

“In a relationship.”Are we?The thought of being in a committed relationship with Joe was both terrifying and exciting.

“So it’s just sex then?”


“Sorry, I couldn’t resist.” The smile fell away. “But for what it’s worth, Bailey, I like the idea of you and my brother being together. The history between you also supports that.”

“Joe told you?” Bailey wasn’t sure how she felt about that, because for so long it had been their secret.

“Some, but not all. And thanks for watching out for him when he needed it, and we couldn’t.”

“He watched out for me too.”

“Good to know. Now, I need you to ride Rae and Lou, then lunge Jacqui. I’ll take Sandy and Beccy when I get back.”

“Should you be riding?”
