Page 97 of Somebody to Love

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“Excuse the fuck out of me for upsetting your delicate sensibilities,” Joe snapped.

“As you should be, but because you’re all over the place, I’ll let it lie... for now.”

“What’s the reason you came by, Fin?” Jack asked.

They heard another car speed up the drive. A door slammed, and in seconds Piper had arrived.

“What’s happened?”

Joe filled her in, as Bailey was still being questioned. He could see her from where he stood. Her hair hung in a long, damp braid down her back. She was leaning on one leg, the other foot turned in slightly, peach sneakers resting one on top of the other. Having changed into them out of her wet riding boots. Her black jeans were snug, and the shirt she wore was an old denim one of Jack’s. Just looking at her was messing with him. Looking, and knowing that she could have been taken from him today.

“I don’t understand why this is happening. First Jack, and now Bailey.”

“I know, Pip, but this latest incident confirms someone’s targeting us to my mind, and that means we have to be diligent,” Joe said. “Always in pairs, and eyes open.”

“Okay, listen up.” All eyes turned as Chief Blake left Bailey and addressed them. “Fin and I need to speak with you.”

Bailey moved to Joe’s side, and he wondered if she realized she’d even done it, or the fact that she stepped in front of him so he could wrap his arms around her and hold her close.

“Helen Neil called me this morning. Elijah went up the mountain yesterday for a quick hike, told Helen he’d be three hours, no more, and home in time to help get things ready for little Sally’s birthday party today. He hasn’t returned.”

“He does go up there for a couple of days at a time though, Chief,” Luke said.

“Sure, but not when he promised Helen he’d return for the birthday. Elijah loves those kids.”

No one disputed that.

“We need to get a search going. So all of you who can, saddle up and meet me at the ranger headquarters. It’s a big ask, I know, considering it’s obvious that someone is deliberately targeting you all, and you have a mess to clean up—”

“We can do it, the mess will be here when we get back. We’ll be sure to stay in pairs.” Joe spoke for his siblings.

“I’ll call in a few casuals, they can watch over the ranch, feed the horses, and start the cleanup,” Jack said.

Chief Blake nodded. “Knew you would, and nothing I said would deter you, but had to say the words just the same. I’m heading there now, and will coordinate the search from the station. It’s my hope Elijah’s injured and holed up there somewhere waiting for us, because no other scenario is comforting me.”

Joe wanted that to be the case too. He watched as Pip hauled Bailey out of his arms and hugged her. She still looked pale, and her eyes big in her face. Fear, Joe knew, affected you for a while after the event.

“I’ll go bring in the horses with Luke,” Piper said. “You get the tack and supplies we need ready.”

“I’ll take the quad up,” Jack said, much to Joe’s relief. He hadn’t wanted to come down hard on his brother if he decided to ride.

Joe moved to where Bailey stood watching Fin and the chief leave.

“I don’t know what time we’ll be back, but I want you to go find Maggie, and stay with her until I do.”

“I’m coming.”

“No.” Joe shook his head. “You’ve had a shock, and you don’t know about search and rescue.”

“I understand your words are motivated by worry, Joe, but I’m fine, and the more eyes out there, the sooner we’ll find Elijah. Plus, I’d rather be busy.”

“No, absolutely not.”

“Problem?” Jack asked.

“Bailey’s not experienced enough for this.”

His brother gave him a steady look. “She rides better than any of us, and has proven she’s tough, so if she’s fit enough, let her do it.”
