Page 101 of We Belong Together

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Buster Griffin was shorter than his friends, but solid with startling blue eyes and thick lashes. He didn’t speak more words than necessary and still managed to get his point across when required.

“Who?” Buster looked around him.

“One word, and I’m decking you,” Luke snarled at his brother.

Jack laughed and walked away with Buster on his heels. Luke caught his niece as she launched herself at him.

“Hey there, baby girl.” He burrowed into her neck and made a disgusting noise, making her squirm. “You playing for your mom’s team today, squirt?”

“I’m too young, Uncle Luke.”

“Right, I keep forgetting because you seem so big now.” She wrapped her legs and arms around him like she always did. Gracie was an all-in hugger. From the day she’d come to live with Pip, he’d fallen in love with this kid. She loved with everything inside her, and it always showed.

“Hey, Daddy here,” Dylan said, reaching them. “Any chance I can get a hug like that?”

Gracie giggled as Luke lowered her to the ground. She ran at her father. Dylan caught her in one arm and wrapped the other around Pip.

They were always touching each other like that. It was constant, and kind of cute… if a little nauseating.

“Hey, Quinn.”

She gave him a small smile.

“She rope you in?” He nodded to Pip, who was giving Grace instructions on behaving.


He could feel her tension. Seeing him was making her uncomfortable. He didn’t want that.

“You played ball lately?”

She shook her head.

“Relax.” He leaned in to whisper in her ear.

“I’m relaxed.”

“No, you’re not.” He ran a finger down her cheek, needing to touch her. “It’s good to see you again.” Which was a massive understatement. His mood had suddenly improved significantly, which was telling. He’d analyze it later.

“And you. How is Nixon, Luke?”

“Okay. Withdrawn, but okay. He’s over there with Aunt Jess and the kids.”

She followed his eyes and found him. Quinn raised a hand, and Nixon waved back.

“He likes you, Quinn. Maybe you could come round home and talk to him.” Luke said the words because they were the truth. Plus, if she came to the house, he’d get to see her.


“Just okay?”

“Okay, I’ll come see him?”

“Better. Now you just need to play averagely well, and you’ll be fine. The rest of the team are pretty hopeless.” He raised his voice so Luna, Rory, and Pip could hear.

“You’ll get yours.” Luna waved a fist at him.

“Here’s your shirt, Quinn.” Pip handed it to her. “He can’t handle the fact that I constantly free throw better than him. In fact, most people do.”
