Page 107 of We Belong Together

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“Likes you, like I said.”

“How’s it going with your brothers and him?”

He blew out a breath. “Not so good. He doesn’t speak unless it’s Gracie or one of the other kids. He likes them.”

“He’ll adjust.”

“I know. Good luck, stay safe out there.” He jogged away.

“This should be fun, because they’ll underestimate us,” Piper said.

They were playing a team of high school girls who looked fit and supple.

“Do you remember when your breasts were that perky?” Luna whispered to Quinn. “When you wore a bra just ’cause you had to, and then at the end of the day when you took it off they stayed where they started the day at?”

Quinn giggled.

“I remember those days.” Piper sighed. “But we got the smarts they don’t have yet. So we can play dirty.”

“True that,” Rory said.

“Because you are all so old, after all,” Quinn said.

“Compared to them we are,” Piper added.

“Right! You all heard the rules that Mayor Gripper told you. Same goes for this game,” Miss Marla yelled through her megaphone. “I don’t want any dirty play from you ladies.” She looked at their team.

The rec center booed.

As subs were in short supply, Quinn started. She played ball with some of her friends on base, men who showed her no leniency because of her sex, which was what she wanted. It had toughened her up.

From the first whistle, she was having fun. She was marking a tall, fit young girl who knew what she was about. Quinn ran with her, tracking the girl to the basket, and as she went up, she leapt and blocked the shot.

Maggie whooped, and Pip got the ball and hurled it long to Rory, who dribbled it into the goal and did a layup. The ball went in the basket. The crowd roared. The high school kids called a time out.

“Are you guys all going to the movie tonight. It’s Casper.” Luna asked the question.

“Yeah, I’m taking Gracie. Mom is having Blake,” Piper said.

“Is Nixon coming?” Maggs asked.

“So we don’t actually talk about the game then?” Quinn asked.

“Not really. But sure if you want to?” Rory said.

“Ah, nice work on the play, Rory.”

“Thanks. Do you think Aunt Jess will have burgers or pizza for after?”

“After is in town. We have to do the pumpkin race first,” Maggs said.

“Pumpkin race?”

“You didn’t see the banners?” Piper asked her.

“That’s today?”

“Yup. You have to do it, as you’re a local.”
