Page 146 of We Belong Together

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She wanted to be literally anywhere but up here.

“Quinn joined the air force at eighteen years of age.”

She looked at Bailey, who was smiling encouragingly. It didn’t help. She could feel the slither of panic. She didn’t like being the center of this kind of attention. Yes, she had skills to call on, had been taught how to deal with fear and panic. Her eyes searched for Luke and found him.

“It’s okay,” he mouthed. “You got this.”

Luke was here. She shouldn’t feel calmer, but she did. Not by a flicker did she betray the panic inside her. But it was there.

“I’ve got you,” he said.

What did that mean?

“Breathe.” He held up his fingers, slowly counting to four, then back down. She kept her eyes on him.

“Quinn’s favorite date is going to the movies and pizza after.”

Luke smiled at her, and she felt some of the panic recede. She was calmer now. She’d walked out here and not moved. Pip had said she needed to smile and move about a bit. But in these heels, she could fall. Maybe there could never be anything more between her and Luke, but right now he made the panic inside her ease, so she was focusing on that. Behind him sat Nixon; she managed to give him a smile before refocusing on Luke.

“Now we will start the bidding. Who wants a date with a fighter pilot?” Mayor Gripper asked.

“Five hundred dollars,” Luke said, his eyes holding hers.

“Six hundred dollars,” someone called.

“Seven hundred,” Luke countered.

The bidding went up until it reached a thousand dollars. Quinn shook her head at Luke, but he just widened that smile.

Sitting there dressed in a pale blue button-down and jeans, he looked hot. Too hot.

“Twelve hundred dollars,” Luke said.

Quinn shot Bailey a look, and she leaned in to speak with Mayor Gripper. The gavel came down hard. Applause erupted. She waved and then walked back out the way she’d come. Reaching the room where she’d stowed her bag, she sat and closed her eyes. Inhaling and exhaling slowly.

That had been terrifying. Rifling through her bag as her phone started ringing, she pulled it out.

“Mom, I thought you were coming?”

“Levi is missing.”

“What? When?

“We’ve checked everywhere, Quinn. All outbuildings, cars. I don’t know where else to look. He always comes in for his tea at the same time. Your father has gone out to look, but he’s on crutches.”

“All right. I’ll be there soon. Tell Dad I’m coming and to come back to the house. Stay calm. I’m sure he’s not gone far.”

“Quinn!” Pip grabbed her, hugging her hard as she stepped out of the room. “On behalf of the school, thanks so much.”

“I’m glad we raised some money, Piper. I have to go. Levi is missing, and Mom and Dad are frantic.”

Piper’s pretty face creased in worry.

“I think he’s probably fallen down a hole or something, but Dad’s out looking around, and with his crutches he’ll probably end up face-first in the dirt.”

“I’ll come with you.”
