Page 22 of We Belong Together

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His long legs were in faded jeans that fit nicely, and he wore a gray sweatshirt with the Ryker Falls Fire Department logo on it. When she’d seen him earlier, her tummy had done a little flip, which had been odd. Doubly odd was that it did it again now.

Quinn had been with men, but none of them had stuck, which was likely more on her than them. None of them had ever made her want to commit. Not one of them had made her experience a tummy flip.

“H-How’s the unicorn?”

“Just need to find a gold horn now, as the pumpkin one I styled wasn’t good enough for my nieces.”

“They’re sweet.” Why did she think it really sweet that he was creating pumpkins with those two little girls?

“And then some. Here.” He handed her the now-empty cookie container. “Thank your mom for the cookies. Most of the participants enjoyed them.”

She had to look at him; it would be weird otherwise. Quinn was fairly sure that smile had raised a few skirts.

“How’s your dad doing?”

“Better. I just met your cousin.” Talking wasn’t difficult, but it was when your tongue felt like it was stuck to the roof of your mouth. It was her mom’s fault. She thought Luke would make Quinn a good husband, and that was lodged in her head now.

“Well, there you go then. She counts as peopling.”

“And Buzz. I was getting to know him too.” Quinn was cool and calm in her job; not much fazed her, but talking to a sexy man clearly was beyond her. She was babbling.

“He’s a good listener.” The smile he gave her was lopsided. Quinn refused to think it hiked up his hotness.

“He is.” She ruffled Buzz’s fur.

“Coming to the movie night?”

“I don’t think so.”

“It’s tonight. Sleepy Hollow, from memory, is the first one. There are a few more planned for the next week. Remember how much of a thing Halloween is in this town, Quinn?”

“I don’t, no.”

“Pumpkin rolling, pumpkin carving. Best pumpkin muffin or scone.” He pointed to Tea Total. “The scone was added for the Robbins sisters after they complained. Bachelorette night.”

“I heard about that.”

“And Rory asked you to participate?”

“She did, but I’m not sure I’ll be here.”

“Shame. I’m sure you’d raise a lot of money.”

Was he flirting with her? Quinn couldn’t be sure, because… well, because men didn’t really flirt with her. Or maybe they did and she didn’t know it. Her head was hurting from all this unexpected interaction.

“But that is new.” He pointed to the banner.

“It’s odd, but Piper explained about her mother-in-law and that it may not happen.”

The dimple on his cheek deepened. “Makes a man glad he’s not in the running for a Howard daughter. Mind you, I think your mom could be her close second in the matchmaking department.”

Her eyes shot to his.

“I… ah…”

“I know you didn’t want to bake me those cookies, Quinn. And that it was all on her. No need to feel awkward about it.”

“It surprises me you’re not in the running for a Howard,” Quinn said before she could stop herself.

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