Page 26 of We Belong Together

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That smile was bright enough to have her blinking. He was good-looking in a slick kind of way. She just bet his face care routine was way more intense than hers.

“What is it you do in Denver, Sam?”

Had she known those eight simple words would lead to the long-winded explanation that unfolded, Quinn would have kept her mouth shut. He was still explaining in detail about his property portfolio when they were called to take their seats for dinner.

“You started him on that,” her father muttered.

“Sorry,” Quinn whispered.

“I have a lower downtown loft. It’s quite something, but then on my salary that’s expected,” Sam said.

Quinn shot her father, who had opened his mouth and appeared to mimic vomiting, a look. Her mother, however, was lapping up every word that spewed from Sam’s lips.

They ate; Sam talked and ate. Not an easy feat, but he managed it.

“I have an entire apartment block for sale at the moment. It’s twelve million.”

Save me now. Quinn wished the meal would end. She was sure he wasn’t a bad guy, but he hadn’t once asked her what she did or anything about her life or that of her family, just talked about his business and how good he was.

“Perhaps Quinn could take you up for a flight while you’re here, Sam?”

Quinn gave her mother a look that she ignored.

“You fly a plane?” Sam looked shocked, which annoyed Quinn.

“You don’t think women should fly planes, Sam?” Ivan asked him.

“Oh, well… it was just a shock.” Sam didn’t look uncomfortable, just surprised.

“Why is it a shock?” Quinn’s words came out coated in ice, and she prepared to give him her standard statement about woman flying and contributing in society now, but her mother cut her off.

“Go get your coat, Quinn. We’re going to the movie night.”


“It’s movie night. We’re all going. I told you this earlier.” Her mom sent Sam a sweet smile. If only he knew that she was really a shark circling with the intent of catching him in her sharp teeth for her daughter.

Sleepy Hollow. She remembered then what Luke Trainer had said earlier.

“I’ll hang with Levi. You guys go on.”

“He’s coming, and so are you.” Her mother gave her the Shelly Harper steely look that she used when she needed to nudge her children into line.

“If I have to go, you do,” her father muttered.

The cleanup was left until they returned. Shock horror, that never happened, which just went to show how invested her mother was in Sam being her future son-in-law.

Quinn drove her rental with her mother and father in the car into Ryker Falls. The atmosphere inside was frosty and could in no way be attributed to the cold as they followed the taillights of Pearl’s little car down the drive. Levi wore his red jacket and propped his feet on the console, seemingly oblivious to the tension. His collar was clipped to a lead attached to her seat belt. Matt and Quinn often said the dog got better treatment than they had.

“I’m not sure how you could possibly think a man like Sam could interest me—if I was looking to settle down, which I can assure you I am not.” Quinn kept her voice calm.

“He is a nice man. Successful, and well spoken. I’m sure given time and exposure to him you would dress nicer and make some effort with your appearance.”

“Shelly, you need to stop this.” Her father sighed.

“I am doing nothing wrong. Quinn does not meet enough men. I’m helping her with that.”

“She’s surrounded by men every day,” Ivan Harper said.
