Page 37 of We Belong Together

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“My uncle knits me things,” Benji said.

“Well now, that’s pretty cool.” She gave the little boy a genuine, and it filled her face.

“I’m Benji.”

Like everyone who came into contact with his nephew, she melted.

“I know, and I voted for your pumpkin.”

“It’s going to win. That’s my daddy.” He pointed at Joe.

“Is that right? He must be real lucky to have you as a son, is my guess.” She bent to inspect the drawing Benji was now doing on the counter. “Is that a plane?”

Everyone groaned.

“What?” She looked at Luke.

“He’s a plane nut,” Luke whispered.

“I love planes,” Benji said.

“Really loves them,” Jack added.

“We have them in common, then, Benji. I love planes too,” Quinn said. “What kind is that one?”

“It’s a fighter jet.”

Quinn bent to inspect it closer. “I think it looks like an F-15E Strike Eagle.”

Benji’s eyes grew wide. “That’s what it is!”

“Yeah? Imagine me getting it right with just a look. You must have done a really good job on that drawing, Benji. Do you know what I think it needs to finish it off?”

“What?” Benji asked.

“You just need to draw two pilots, because that’s what an F-15E Strike Eagle has.”

“Okay.” Benji picked up his pencil and began drawing.

“Here’s your coffee.” Piper put it and a huge wedge of cake down before Quinn.


Luke watched Quinn take a large gulp, then pick up a pencil and help Benji. He shot his brothers a look, but they were focused on Quinn too. Joe had that look he got when he was trying to work something out.

“So how long have you been in the air force, Quinn?” Piper asked her.

“I joined when I was eighteen.”

He didn’t know her exact age, but it had to be close to his. He was thirty; she’d be twenty-eight or -nine.

She started in on her cake, taking a large bite, chewing, then swallowing. Nothing special, but she had his attention. She then drank her coffee like she was in a hurry.

“You need to savor that,” he said.

She turned with the fork halfway to her mouth. “It’s good.”

“I know. And there’s plenty if you want more.”
