Page 39 of We Belong Together

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His brothers both wore shit-eating grins.

“I wonder why she didn’t want to elaborate about what planes she flies?” Joe said. “Quinn Harper has certainly grown up a looker.”

“She has,” Jack agreed. “Natural beauty.”

“You’re both married,” Luke snapped.

“I didn’t say I thought she was hot, I said she has grown up a looker. Please note the difference.”

“I hate women like her,” Pip muttered, returning with a plate of muffins. “Good bone structure and genes, they can throw on anything and look like a runway model even when they’re not trying to.”

“Yeah, because you’re so unfortunate you got nothing to work with,” Joe drawled.

“I wonder what planes she flies?” Jack said.

“Look it up,” Pip said. “Maybe you can find something about her on the internet.”

Luke pulled out his phone and searched “Quinn Harper pilot.”

“Holy shit,” he said a few minutes later.

“Luke!” Joe snapped as Benji looked at him. “That’s twice now. You know what my kids are like. Ask them to say a please or thank you and they’re suddenly mute, but a cuss word and they commit it to memory.”

“Sorry, bud. Don’t repeat that to your mom, okay?”


“Captain Quinn Harper. Call sign Quinderella. She’s a fighter pilot with a long list of accolades.” He let his eyes read on.

“Quinderella? I wonder why she got given that name?” Joe said. “And can I just add that is seriously cool. You gotta wonder why her mom never told anyone what she was up to.”

“My guess is she got it because her first name is Quinn. Just a thought though,” Luke drawled.


It was cool and just increased her hotness factor, as far as Luke was concerned.

“Captain Harper has been stationed in New Mexico and Arizona. She’s also spent time in Japan and Korea and flown combat missions in Afghanistan and Iraq,” Luke continued.

“If I hug her again and maybe squeal a bit when I see her again, do you think it will embarrass her?” Jack asked.

“Not embarrassing at all,” Luke muttered, still reading. “Honestly, you need to read this. She’s done so much. Why do you think her mom doesn’t talk about her?”

“Because she’s a woman, and Shelly Harper believes her daughter’s place should be in the house with her kids wearing an apron,” Pip said.

“I understand that, to be honest,” Jack needled.

Pip got him in a headlock.

“What did Jack do to her now?”

“Hey there, Teddy Bear,” Luke said to the man wandering up to the counter.

Ted Hosking owned the Lodge in Ryker Falls. It had created a great deal of money and business for this town, even though some had fought against it.

“Did you see that woman just walk out of here before you, Ted?” Joe asked.
