Page 57 of We Belong Together

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She looked at Luke. “It was terrifying. I thought my heart would stop, but I learned more that night than I have in any other situation.”

“If I hadn’t married Rory, you’d be my next pick,” Jack said.

She could have died, and he’d have never met her again. The thought actually made his chest hurt.

Luke couldn’t take his eyes off her. He knew what adrenaline felt like for him when he walked into a burning building or any dangerous situation. He couldn’t imagine the training she’d had to do what she did.

“How’d you feel a few hours after?”

“It took me a while to recover.” She laughed. “I remember when I stepped down onto land, my legs felt like spaghetti.”

Jack whistled.

“Okay, so we need more stories,” Jack said.

Quinn snorted. “Not right now, because we’re going to land. And I’m not really someone who likes to talk about this. Besides which—”

“You’d have to kill us?” Jack said.

“We appreciate you did it to take our mind off stuff,” Luke said. “So thanks, and I’m glad you evaded the missile, Quinn.”

“Me too.” She looked at him. “You’ll all get through this together, Luke.”

“I know it. Still nerve-racking to think down there may be your blood, and you didn’t even know he existed.”

She nodded. “I bet. I would be a bundle of nerves.”

“I’m not sure there would be much that makes you nervous, Quinn Harper, after what you just told us.”

“Lots of things make me nervous. Peopling, for one. My mother. Then there’s shopping for clothes and other girlie things.”

He snorted. “Honestly, all that makes me nervous.”

“Don’t lie to me, Trainer. You’re like everyone’s favorite son. The smile and confidence—I’ve seen it.”

“Or maybe I’m just a really good actor.”

She looked at him. “Are you?”

“I think all of us are acting in some way, Quinn.”

She simply nodded, and he wondered why he had said that. He was still trying to work that out when they’d landed and were taxiing.

They got out and grabbed their things. Minutes later, they were making their way through the small airport of Lyntacky. Quinn disappeared into an office briefly to do what pilots did was Luke’s guess.

“We’ll get a cab into town,” Joe said when she reappeared.

“You have my number. Just text when you want to leave,” Quinn said.

She stood apart from them, hands in her pockets. Back to being shy and uncomfortable.

“May as well ride with us into town. Nothing here for you to sit about and do.”

She considered Joe’s words, looked around the small space, and then nodded.

“Police station,” Jack told the shuttle driver who picked them up.

No one spoke on the short drive, and Luke kept his eyes on the back of Quinn’s cap, reading the word “Quinderella” over and over again.
