Page 62 of We Belong Together

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“The tenderness in that statement is making my eyes itch,” Luke said, moving to stand beside the sheriff. “He’s fourteen and your son. You don’t think maybe he’s hurting after finding his mother murdered this morning? That he maybe needs something more than strangers looking out for him?”

“Who the fuck are you?”

“I’m your son’s brother.”

Surprise had the man taking off his dark glasses. He then leaned into Luke’s space. Pushing his face so it was inches away. Deliberately intimidating.

“Back off,” Joe said softly.

The other men got off their bikes and moved closer.

“I don’t want trouble,” Sheriff Dans said.

The biker’s eyes moved to Jack and Joe, who now flanked Luke. “She never mentioned you. I say you’re lying.”

“Not sure why we would, but have you seen your son lately?” Luke asked him. “He’s identical to us.”


They turned to see Nixon approaching at a run. Dylan and Mrs. McMillian were on his heels.

“He saw him, and before I could stop him, he was out the door,” Dylan said.

“Mom’s dead,” the boy said. He didn’t throw himself at his father, just stopped a few feet from him. But he wanted to. Needed someone to tell him it would be okay. Luke remembered that feeling too. He’d had his brothers.

“Yeah, I know.”

“Am I coming with you now?”

Luke looked at Nixon. His eyes were empty, and his face expressionless. He knew that look too. It was about expecting nothing in life because you got nothing.

“I don’t have room for you. You can stay with Child Protective Services.” Grill’s words had been cold and hard.

“Like hell he can,” Jack said.

“He’s not going there; he’s coming with us,” Luke said, this time it was he who leaned into Grill. “You may not want him, but we do,” he added so only the biker could hear.

“Don’t threaten me.” Grill pushed Luke’s chest.

Luke grabbed the man’s jacket. “I’m not scared of you,” he said. “You may need to remember that. The only thing I care about is your son.”

He saw a movement out the corner of his eye but stayed focused on the man before him.

“Back it up, Luke,” Jack said.

“Anyone draws a gun, and I’m locking you up,” Sheriff Dans said in a hard voice.

Luke unclenched his hands and took a step back. Rage, frustration. So many emotions from his childhood had resurfaced and were bubbling inside him again.

He wanted to punch something. Luke controlled his anger. He was the gentle, nice Trainer brother, but right now he wanted to fight.

Grill kept his eyes on Luke. Neither moved. He felt his brothers and Dylan moving close. Boxing him in.

“Take a breath,” Jack said.

He did. A shallow one through his nose. His hand twitched with the need to punch the man before him. His father had been like him. Thinking he could intimidate those who didn’t have the strength to fight back. His father hadn’t wanted him like Grill didn’t want Nixon.

He wasn’t that scared boy anymore.
