Page 85 of We Belong Together

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He nodded.

“About the DNA results?”

He nodded again.

“We’re real happy that you are our brother, Nixon. I hope you know that.”

He didn’t react to Jack’s words. No smile, just kept his eyes down.

“It’s an adjustment, but we’ll get through it together.”

Still no words, just a nod.

Quinn got out of her chair to greet him. She gave him a gentle hug, and he let her.

“You okay?”


“Okay, let’s go,” Joe said.

They all got into the shuttle they’d ordered. Nixon sat between Quinn and Luke. The single suitcase with his belongings went into the back. She’d had to swallow down the tears when she’d realized that was all he had left of the life he’d shared with his mother.

“I want to come back for the funeral,” Nixon said, surprising them all.

“Yes, of course,” Jack said. “We’ll make sure we know when it is, Nixon, and get you there.”

That would be hard on the Trainers, Quinn thought. They had no love for the woman who gave birth to them, but clearly Nixon did. She also knew that if their youngest brother wanted to go, they would go with him. Even on short acquaintance she knew they supported each other.

“You like your new jacket?” Dylan asked Nixon.

“Quinn got it for me.”

“Yeah. She’s pretty cool for doing that,” Luke added. “Want me to tell you other cool stuff about her?”

“Luke’s a firefighter,” she said before he could speak. “That’s pretty awesome, don’t you think, Nixon?”

“You past the age of wanting to ride on a fire engine yet, Nixon?” Joe asked.

The boy surprised her by shaking his head.

“I can arrange that then. But back to Quinn.”

“She’s a fighter pilot.” Jack spoke before Luke could. “I mean seriously. That’s impressive, Nixon, right?”

The boy’s eyes widened. “Really?” He looked at Jack and then her.

“Yup. Ask her what her call sign is,” Luke said.

“What’s a call sign?”

Luke looked at Quinn with a raised brow.

“It’s a name you get given when you become a pilot. It’s used instead of your name, and it’s on your flight suit, jacket, tags, that kind of thing. You have no say in it, which is hard if it’s a bad one.”

“What’s your name?” Nixon asked her.

