Page 93 of We Belong Together

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Four days after she’d flown back from Lyntacky, Quinn and her father were in the shed sorting berries.

“So the test results just came back,” her father said.

Quinn straightened to look at him. “And?”

Her father smiled. “There is not a damn thing wrong with my body or mind.”

She whooped and hugged him hard. “So Mom can back off now.”

“Ha ha, that’s not really your mom’s way.”

“That’s true.” Dad. When we flew out, Luke said he saw a vehicle below us, and it was on our land, I’m sure of it. Was there any reason for it to be there?”

“There are a few ways onto our land from neighboring properties, and I’ve never had any issue with them using it to get to the river and rock face, so it’s likely one of them.”

“Okay, that makes sense. Have you had any more contact with that guy who offered to buy the place?”

“He rang after you’d left. Said he was sorry to miss us and that he’d come back soon to see if I’d changed my mind. I told him I wouldn’t.”

“Don’t you think that’s weird, Dad? I mean, you already told him no.”

Her father shrugged. “He’s going after what he wants. I guess he just wants to make sure we remember his name if we ever decide to sell.”

Which also made sense.

“So no more accidents since I left?”

“None. Your mother kind of apologized to me.”

“Kind of?”

“She’s not big on admitting her faults, but I love her anyway. How come you haven’t been into town since you got back, Quinny?”

“I’ve been working with you.”

“But you used to love Halloween in Ryker Falls.”

“I was a child, Dad. Now I’m not.”

He grunted something, but she wasn’t sure what.

“Been thinking about that boy you brought back. I remember those Trainers when they were his age and younger. That father of theirs was a bad man.”

“I don’t remember that much, but some,” Quinn said.

“I don’t hate many people, because it’s a powerful word to throw around, but I disliked that asshole. He returned a few years back, caused the eldest some trouble. But he’s in prison now thankfully.”

That must have hurt. She thought about Luke and the demons he carried. Having his father return must have dragged all that to the surface again, like Nixon had.

“I’m glad he can’t hurt them anymore.”

Her father leaned a hip on the corner of a table. His hair was cropped short and shot through with silver. He had big shoulders and hands, and his face was weathered from being outdoors every day of his life.

“Well now, I don’t think the hurt inside them will ever not be there, Quinny. They may have grown into fine men, but that doesn’t mean you don’t still carry the scars from your youth.”

She’d glimpsed Luke’s scars.
