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Hunter pushes the cart as I walk up ahead. I grab lettuce, celery and onions. When I stop in front of the cucumbers, I pick one up and turn to face him. My fingers slide up the side and back down stroking the green fruit. His eyes focus on the movement. “Did you know this thick, firm…mmm.” I slide my tongue up the dark green ribbed skin, “is all edible and is actually a fruit, not a vegetable.” With half lidded eyes he clears his throat and diverts his attention away.

“Oh yeah.” He replies. I place the cucumber in the basket and move over to the tomatoes. With one in each hand I rotate the ripe red plum tomatoes between my fingers, massaging them if you will. “And these, the balls have to have the right touch, not too firm, but not all wrinkly and saggy either.”

He bumps my hip with the end of the cart. I bat my eyes and put on an innocent face, then lick my lips. “You’re not playing fair Dani,” his voice is full of lust, his eyes glaze over. If it isn’t the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.

I walk around the cart and place my hand on his shoulder. I lean in and kiss his cheek “Sorry, I can’t help myself.” He nods and pushes the carriage forward. We grab some bags of chips and find our way into the meat section.

“Don’t even think about it.” His eyes throw a warning sign as I pick up a four pack of kielbasa. Unable to control my giddiness, I let it out. Oh he is too easy. “Fine, then let’s go. I’m hot and need to take a swim.” We make our purchases and stop at the liquor store next door. After filling the back of the Hummer, we drive in silence back to the townhouse.

Once we put everything away, I excuse myself to get ready. The time has gotten away from me and his friends will be here in a few hours. As I walk up the stairs, I get smacked on the ass, “What was that for?” I look over my shoulder and Hunter smiles. “Sorry, I can’t help myself.” He mimics me and laughs.

“Well, it’s going to be a long night for you Hunter Marshall - Game on!” I take off in a run into my room and think of all the ways I can torture him tonight in front of his friends. “This is gonna be fun!”

Chapter Ten

With my hair up in a high ponytail, I slide into my one piece wetsuit. In the garage I noticed a few surf boards, it’s time to let loose and have some fun. I don’t bother waiting for Hunter I pick the small board and grab some wax off the shelf. It’s not a long walk before I’m over the dunes and watching, timing the waves as they break along the shoreline.

After the wax is on, I run out into the cool salt water. The depth of the water rises about five yards in. I lay down on my stomach and paddle the rest of the way out. With my legs on either side of the board I straddle it and look towards the townhouse. Out comes a gorgeous movie star, damn he's fine. He jumps on the board and paddles out in my direction.

“Is there anything you can’t do?” he says as he sits up and straddles the larger board. I smile and think how my father always told me:You can do anything you put my mind too. I shake my head, “I’m always willing to try something new.” He groans.


She is amazing. I descend from the dune and watch her beautiful body paddle out beyond the first set of waves crashing down. By the looks of it, she knows what she is doing. Not only is she smart, strong and beautiful. But she’s experienced, likes the things I like, and most important, she likes me when I’m just plain old me. Not the movie star.

She doesn’t care about the money or the fame. Shit, she’s so down to earth, I bet if I quit and never made another penny it wouldn't matter, as long as I made her happy. And I want to make her happy.

I paddle up next to her and observe as she times the next wave, her body leans out across the board. Her arms push the water back in long strokes. Once the peak starts, she’s up and sailing down the wave. The cut through the water and her glide is effortless. She cuts back again as the wave bends and she takes the barrel like a pro. The smile on her face melts my heart. I wish I could see her happy every day, she’s beautiful.

We spend the next hour or so with light conversation and taking turns on the waves. When the tide begins to change we head back to the house. Like a pro she takes the last wave in and, wouldn’t you know, I wipe out. She laughs the whole way up the dune. But I’m okay with it. I’m okay with anything as long as we are together.

“I’m gonna go get changed. See ya in a bit,” she says and sashays her little ass up the stairs. What has she done to me? I’ve become so domesticated.

At home, with my woman. I have no desire to go out and party and bring home the next woman, or any other woman for that matter. I want her and only her. How can I get her to understand, she’s it for me.

I stand outside and rinse off in the outdoor shower, the salt water rushes down my legs. With a pull, the zipper goes down my back and I remove my wetsuit. I grab a towel and wrap it around my waist then go upstairs to change.

Chapter Eleven


I slide my royal blue bikini on and let out a slight giggle, the salt water and waves woke me up and I’m ready to have some fun. I throw an over-sized shirt on and decide to go barefoot. Inside my drawstring bag I have my tanning oil, fluffy beach towel and I toss in my badge and gun. Even though we are home and Mark is outside, I could never be too careful. Wait...did I just call this my home? Huh, when did I start thinking of this as my place? Whatever.

In the kitchen I pull out some bowls for the chips and dip. The time is ticking away and I swear Hunter takes longer than women to get ready. A knock comes from the door so I peer through the whole and see his friend Jax holding up a case of beer.

Behind him are two other guys and a few women standing to the side. I swing the door open and greet the visitors, “Welcome, come on in.” Jax steps in and pulls me into a hug.

“Hey, get your hands off my girl. I thought I warned you already.” Hunter’s voice thunders through the foyer.

“Relax Sparky, he’s saying hello.” I step out of the embrace. Hunter’s arm wraps around my waist and he pulls me back into him. His front to my back. He reaches out and shakes Jax’s hand and then introduces Derek and Tommy. Who in turn introduce Kimmy, Kenzie and Brianna.

As they walk through to the back yard, I stop at the fridge and grab water. “You okay?”

Hunter’s rigid voice whispers in my ear. I inhale his scent.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” With a light touch of his lips he kisses under my earlobe sending heat down into my core. Then he’s gone.

I pull the screen door closed and see everyone has made themselves comfortable. The only space left is at the bottom of Hunter’s lounger. I tap his thigh, he opens his legs without question and I sit back against him. His hands rub up and down my arms. That’s when the questions start.
