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“You’re in a good mood.” I say and try to let go but he pulls me closer. “Why wouldn’t I be, I had incredible sex with a woman I’ve come to adore and plan to do it as often as possible.” I step back, “adore?” His happiness shines through his eyes and I know exactly how he feels.

“I have to run, things to do…” His lips seal over mine and then he releases me. “Tonight will be a night to remember.” Laughing at his enthusiasm. “From the very first night,” he points to the sausage hero’s from Jax’s truck which is waiting for me. “To the last night.” With a twinkle in his eye he smirks and kisses my forehead. What does he meanlast night?

“Okay but once I’m done, I have to go.” With the premiere being tonight, I’m going to pamper myself and get my nails done. All week Hunter has been reminding me of subtle things I did that drove him crazy.

We’ve discussed it and he understands why I did it. I’m grateful he didn’t give up on me. Sure he had bad judgement one night, but from the stories I’ve heard they use to happen every night. So when I came into the picture he changed.

I decided to hop on board with memories of the weeks prior, which is why I chose the dress I’m wearing tonight. It’s red like my lipstick and what I plan to wear underneath, will bring him back to the hood of his car. Now I’m in search for one last thing, I feel a little giddy thinking about it.

By noon, I’m strolling down the main avenue. I shoot Mark a text, asking if Hunter was home yet.No - babe he’s been gone, but Warren stopped by.Hmm. I wonder why, maybe something to do with the premiere. I don’t like the fact he has a key, we’ll have to address it at some point. But I don’t want to ruin tonight for my man. Tonight is all about him.

I pull up to the house and Marks waves as he jogs up to my car. Once I climb out he asks. “What the heck is going on here?” I shrug my shoulders, “what do you mean?” We haven’t told anyone so I’m not sure what Mark wants to know. “When Hunter came home he was all smiles and even came over to the car and asked if you ever lost a dare?”

The thought of Hunter being happy because of me thrills me. And no, I never skip out of challenge, “Can’t help it Mark, I’m falling for the dare.” I shrug my shoulders admitting to one of my best friends I’m head over heels falling for this guy.

“You’re good with it?” Mark has always known me to be a loner. Sure I have had my fun but nothing ever serious. By the way he’s looking at me he knows this is as serious as it gets. “Yeah, for the first time in a long time, I’m good.” I smile and step towards the house. Tonight will be the night I tell him. He has the right to know.

“Thanks Mark, you can go, I got it from here.” He pats my shoulder as he walks past saying good-night. I secure the door and walk into the living room. My feet a little sore I chuck my boots to the side and throw my bag on the back of the chair. With no energy left, I plop down on the sofa and begin to rub feet.

Hunter saunters in. “Warren dropped off some champagne and glasses for tonight.” He wiggles his eyebrows and my face flushes. “I don’t drink before premieres, so make sure to save some for later.” He sits beside me and reaches for my other foot. I glance up and his eyes divert to the floor. Okay, what’s going on? He’s acting so weird.

“What’s in the bag?” he asks and I chuckle. He grabs it and when his eyes pop out of his head I can’t control the laughter. “You’re movie is HighBall, so how high can you get those balls?” He pulls the strand of beads and the devilish look he has makes my insides tingle.

He reaches for me, “If I’m going to make it tonight I need a nap.” I push him back. With his head against the cushion he takes both feet onto his lap. His dimple appears and he makes himself more comfortable leaning back against the cushion. Oh tonight is going to be fun. I reach over to the coffee table and grab the remote turning on the T.V., the next thing I know it’s five o’clock. Hunter’s head rests against my stomach, his breathing calm. I run my fingers through his hair a few times until he awakens.

“Evening.” His smile spread across his face. I stretch my arms out and flex my legs. He sits up and does the same. “Big night,” I push off the sofa and start the coffee. “Look, Danica,” I cover his mouth with my hand, “Hunter, let’s enjoy tonight.” I step aside. He takes hold of my wrist, spins me around and molds our bodies together. “Admit it. You want this as much as I do?” Knowing it will drive him crazy. I lick my lips then bite down and drag my lower lip in. He hisses and kisses me hard. Exactly the way I like it.

Chapter Twenty

We eat a light dinner and then prepare for the evening. Hunter has poured the champagne and is waiting for me to bend over. He’s not drinking because he’s nervous on how the movie will go. I pull out the tie I bought him. It matches my dress perfectly, and I wrap it around his neck. I loop it and make sure it’s straight. My red gown crosses over my breast and flows in waves to the ground. The back crosses the same as the front which works out perfect to hide the leather and lace bra and panty set I bought. After my second glass of champagne I kiss Hunter and bend over lifting my bare ass for him to slide the beads in.

I let out a soft moan as he smacks my ass cheek and the vibrations send my core into a tailspin. His fingers glide along my folds and then he brings them to his mouth. “You’re delicious,” he says and my mind says fuck the premiere let’s stay home.

“Ah, not yet. I know that look, Dani.” I roll my eyes, “Knowing these beads are deep inside you makes me a little jealous. But knowing it will keep you on edge all night. While we watch me on the big screen will drive me crazy more than it will you,” his soft whisper has my head falling back against his chest.

“Let’s go before I cuff you to the bed.” I threaten him and he laughs. With my hand in his we stop at the kitchen island for a toast of champagne. “To breaking and entering.” he says, “To backing yourself into a corner.” I shoot back recalling the first day we met.

He steps into me, “Sweetness you can back me into a corner anytime.” I laugh pushing at his chest, “I dare you.” I drink down the bubbly liquid and place the glass in the sink. He takes his glass of water and does the same.


With the beads doing their job my body is on fire. The long kissing session in the back of the limo did not help one bit. But I hope it helped calm his nerves. Now I walk beside the man I have come to appreciate. All the lights flashing and the interviewers ask the same questions over and over. I can see how tedious this all can be. The price of fame I guess, I don’t get it.

With the entrance in view, we walk a few feet closer. My head starts to feel a little dizzy, and my vision becomes cloudy. I tighten my grip on Hunter’s hand. He looks to me with a worried expression.

Sweat is building at the base of my neck, something's not right. “Are you okay, is this too much for you?” he asks. But things like this don’t bother me, it’s something else. I open my mouth but nothing comes out, nausea takes over and I grip my stomach. Oh god, don’t let me get sick on the red carpet.

I grab onto Hunter’s jacket with both hands as I feel my legs go weak, I can’t talk, I can’t see but I can hear everything. Hunter is calling out my name in a panic. My body is limp, and cradled into his chest. I smell his aftershave, it’s okay it’s Hunter. “Sweetness, I have you, can you tell me what’s wrong?” It’s the oddest thing, his voices fades in and out and then nothing.


Her grip tightens and when I turn to her she’s white as a ghost, I ask what’s wrong but she doesn’t respond. She pulls at my jacket as if her life depends on it and then she collapses. I pick her up and run through the sea of people back to the limo.

Once I settle her in the back seat I order the driver to take us to the nearest hospital. I pull out my phone and text Mark while I beg her to answer me. One minute she’s fine and the next she’s…

Oh God, please don’t take her from me, please. I reach under her dress and pull the beads- maybe they were too much. Either way I don’t want to embarrass her during an evaluation in the emergency room. I shove them in my pocket and rest my lips on her moist forehead. She’s burning up.

“Stay with my sweetness, stay with me. I can’t lose you now that I found you.” As the door opens I step out holding her like a frail child. She hasn’t responded since she collapsed. I lay her on the gurney as directed and explain to the nurse what happened. They tell me to have a seat in the waiting room and they will come out when they know more.
