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“It was right before my twenty-eighth birthday.” She glances at my chart again. “Um, Danica you turned thirty one three months ago. They only last three years, like you said.” Holy shit, shit shit….I’m going to have to talk to Hunter, alone.


I don’t know what the fuck is going on, why did she yell? Then when we come in she rushes us back out the door. If the doctor is telling her something more is wrong we need to know. She is strong and feisty but she needs moral support too. She needs to know we are here for her. I rub my fingers on the velvet box in my pocket.

Once I get inside I’m laying it all on the table, I want a future with her, and she’s it for me. I put my claim on her the first time in the shower. It’s time to let the world know I’ve found my soul mate.

What the hell is taking the doctor so long? This can’t be good. But no matter what it is we’ll get through it together. Whatever time I have with her will be better than no time at all.


“We’ll schedule the removal for later today. You and the baby are lucky. You received the treatment early so no long term damage. You are both healthy and could go home in a day or so.” I climb into the bed and pull the blanket over my legs.

When she opens the door she asks for Hunter. He steps inside and I ask him to close the door. He does. “Is everything okay?” I nod. How am I going to tell him? Bite the bullet and do it like a band aid, hard and fast.

He sits and pulls the chair to the side of the bed. “Dani,” he takes my left hand in his. “Since the first day we met you had me on my knees and begging for mercy.” He kisses along my palm. “Yeah, I did,” I giggle remembering.

“So now I’m begging,, I’m asking.“ He leans back and reached into his pocket. A black velvet box comes into view. My eyes fill with tears, because I already know the answer. “Will you be mine forever?” A lone tear travels down my cheek. I wipe it away. “Under one condition.” I take a deep breath and take the leap.

He releases my hand and sits beside me on the bed. “Sweetness, anything. Name it.” He wipes my hair from my face. His eyes searching mine, “Can we start a family right away?”

He lets out the breath he was holding and turns, trying to climb on top of me, “Can we start now?” his eyebrows wiggle and I let out a giggle before I pull him in for a kiss.

After a moment I push at his chest and tell him, “we already have.” He pulls back and I watch as he thinks about what I said. Then he realizes what I’m saying, it takes a moment but registers. The smile spreads across his face and has my heart leaping with joy. “When?” He sits back looking to my stomach.

“If what the Doc says it’s true, you planted your seed our first time, in the shower.” He stands and helps me up. “Well, seeds need water to grow, right?” he chuckles at his own joke.

I wrap my arms around his neck, “You claimed me, and it’s when I started falling for the dare.” He takes my hand and we stand. He drops to one knee. “You’re my lifeline. I promise to make you happy for the rest of your life, if you’d do me the honor and say yes to our forever.” More tears spill over, I nod and reach for him, “Yes, yes and forever yes.” Our lips seal together and we kiss the most passionate of kisses. One I feel all the way down to my toes.

Someone clears their throat and we part. Uncle Lenny and Mark step in. “Is everything okay?” Hunter places me on the bed and picks up the velvet box. As he slides the beautiful diamond ring on my finger he looks up. “Yeah, Lenny. Everything is perfect. I’ve got my woman.” He glances with a smile and then bends down kissing my belly.

“And our baby is doing well too.”

Congratulations go around the room and I watch as my three men beam with happiness and joy. “You’ve met your match,” Mark says patting Hunter on the shoulder and we laugh. “Don’t you dare fuck this up,” he says to me, Hunter hollers with laughter. Me and my dares.

“I’m sure if I do, Hunter will bend me over his knee and give me a good spanking.” Hunter’s face goes flush and Uncle Lenny immediately starts yelling “TMI—Dani, stop. Not in front of me.” He reaches over and wraps me in a hug, in a light whisper “your daddy would be so proud, I know I am.” With a kiss on my cheek, he says he has to get back to the precinct and sees himself out. Mark leaves a few minutes later.


I pull the blanket back and lay on the bed, one arm wrapped around Danica, the other rests on our baby. Danica’s head rests on my chest as she cuddles into me. “Are you sure?” she asks, I lift her chin with my finger. “I’ve never been sure about anything, until you came into my life. I love you Danica.” She tightens her arms around my waist.

“I love you.” The words she never had to say, because actions spoke louder than words, fill my heart. I’ve got everything I need right here. My forever is right here resting in this hospital bed. The woman I can’t live without and our baby. I’m right where I belong, with my family. No movie premiere or award could ever top this feeling.

The End
