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“Thanks for getting me up to speed. Since Jessie’s on his way I’ll have him clean house and I’ll go back to old school security. Have patrol cars every hour, and I’ll be with him twenty-four seven.” Mark nods and reaches for the handle of the front door. “Stay safe, Dani.” His eyes full of worry is not making me feel any better about the situation.

Chapter Eight

When I re-enter the living room, Hunter seems off. He walks from the hall and back and runs his fingers through his hair then over the scruff on his face.

“I’m going to go take a shower. You sure you’re okay?” I ask. He doesn’t seem to be himself. He waves me off. “Stay away from the windows okay.” I say as a joke and he spins on his heels, “It’s not a fucking joke Danica, you're hurt.”

“Yeah, yeah, but I’m tough right? Look, I’m fine!” I wiggle my ass and take the stairs two at a time. These clothes need to come off and I need to reassess the situation. Not giving Hunter another thought I enter the bathroom and turn on the shower. The spray comes from the ceiling and the jets on the sides. My shorts and thong fall to the ground and I unzip the sports bra and let it fall from my arms.

Once inside I rest my head back on the cool tile careful not to let my back touch. Female, motorcycle, threat, and now she’s after me. The stress settles in my chest as the realization hits hard. I’m the target.

I’m putting him in danger and can’t be responsible for him getting hurt. I’d never forgive myself. I care too much for him. He’s more than a job at this point whether I can say it out loud or not doesn’t matter. I like him… a lot. He’s gotten under my skin and even into my heart.

Panic bubbles from the pit of my stomach. This is the first time in my career I feel my life's out of control. It couldn’t have come at a worse time. A time when I may be falling for the person I need to be protecting.

“Damn you, Hunter!” My foot stomps on the tiled floor, “Shit, shit shit…” I lean back and close my eyes. The adrenaline starts to subside and now the fear settles in. My emotions raw and overwhelming, tears escape. Protect and serve, it’s my job. But I never once worried about me. How am I going to protect Hunter when I have the target on my back?


She’s bat-shit crazy, that’s what she is. She dove over me then jumps through a window to chase down the stalker. She jumped through a fucking window. My adrenaline has me so flustered.

To her this is no big deal. She’s upstairs right now taking a goddamn shower. As if it’s just another day. It’s not. She risked her life for me. She's hurt because of me and now I come to find out someone has been watching us, in my own home and is targeting her.

Fuck! How can I keep her safe?

I was going to talk to her, tell her I’d like us to be anus, let her know how I feel and I want to see where this could go. I figured after her workout maybe we could go on a real date, take a ride on the Harley and head up the coast. No more of this fake shit.

I don’t want to deny my attraction to her. The thought of her hurt and the blood. It flipped me inside out. Made me panic and realize, even though we just met, I care about her. I’ve never cared about any of the women I’ve been with. All these years I’ve been a total douche. But with her it’s different. I can’t explain it. She makes me want to be me, not Hunter Ford the actor, but the real me -Hunter Marshall.

After all this time, I was lost playing the role. But now I’ve found me again, and it’s all thanks to her. She's one of a kind, different and real, not fake like the ladies I normally see. She’s exactly what I need, and I didn’t even know I needed anything. Fuck it, I’m not waiting any more, I need to tell her.

I jog up the stairs and enter my bedroom. The water’s on in the shower. My shirt hits the floor and I open the adjoining bathroom door with caution. The steam fills the room but her silhouette is clear through the glass.

She leans against the back wall with her hands over her face. I hear the shakiness in her breath, she’s crying. My girl, my brave, confident, feisty girl is crumbling. Inside it pulls at my heart and just like that she takes another piece of me.


Cool air enters as the glass door opens. Hunter steps in, still wearing his shorts. I’m an emotional wreck and try to hide my face. I could care less if he sees my body, but hate he’s now seen me in a weak moment.

The tears continue to stream down, and the concerned look in his eyes strikes me in the heart. Without a word he steps forward and wraps me in his arms. I don’t resist; right now I need this and I need him. My arms wrap around his hips and I pull him closer. The skin on skin contact enough to draw my attention away from the fear.

“I wanted to make sure you’re okay. The glass shattered and like fucking Wonder Woman, you jumped through shards of it.” I can’t help but giggle. The way he describes me, you’d think I was something special.

“All in day’s work,” my cheek rests against his chest and I watch the water cascade between us. Small rivers glide down his torso.

He squeezes me tight and then steps back, “Turn around.” I do as I’m told and stretch my neck up into the warmth of the water. His hands glide up my sides and across my shoulder blades. Then back down, careful not to go near my injuries. When they slide across my midsection I lift my hands flat on the cool tile to brace myself and allow access.

When he cups my breast, his fingers tremble against my skin. His breathing becomes rigid, “Danica?” My body responds. My nipples pebble and core tightens. I let my head fall back and squeeze my thighs hoping to ease the ache between them.

He pulls me to his chest and I gasp at the skin on skin contact. “Did I hurt you?” he whispers while his lips kiss my neck. I shake my head unable to form words. No, not yet you haven’t.

“I wanted to talk to you today, but with everything that happened. I think actions speak louder than words.” He takes my hands in his and our fingers intertwine. The kiss becomes more forceful. Filled with passion and desire as he travels along my shoulder and neck. I let my head fall back and moan. He nibbles and then bites down hard just below my ear.

My breath catches and my body responds to him. He removes one hand and the cloth material of his shorts slide down the back of my legs. I need this, I want this.

His open mouth kisses up my back has my brain going haywire. When he reaches the back of my neck, I move my arm above my head and run my fingers through his hair. Not wanting to wait any longer, I turn and pull him into a kiss.

Our tongues tango, while my hands sculpt his abs, his fingers tighten on my hips with each motion. My hand continues down his torso and I wrap my fingers around his hard cock, he hisses. “Danica this is happening, it’s not a dream, right?” I stroke him long and slow, he lets out a low growl, his lips crash down on mine, devouring me once more.
