Page 26 of Cop Daddy Next Door

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Before I could speak, he pointed at me. “You know better.”


“Yes?That’s your response?”

“I’m not going to make up lame excuses or try to wiggle out of what’s coming to me. I know the rules, and I broke them. It’s inexcusable.”

“You’re absolutely right.”

“So give me my citation and we’ll get going.”

Even in the dark, I could see Christian’s puzzled expression in the light from his headlights. “There’s no reason to be a martyr.”

“I’m not. I just need to get outta here.” I crossed my arms over my chest and tried not to cast a worried glance toward the truck. “Leave her out of this. This was my idea.”

“Man, you’re going for full-on hero mode tonight.”

“Give me a break, Christian.”

“I’m trying to.” He took out his old school notebook and slapped it against his palm. “Contrary to popular belief, I’m not a heartless asshole.”

I nearly laughed, but I figured now wasn’t the time to push my luck.

“If I write this up, the Chief will get involved. It’ll go on your official record, and as the newest cop in the department, that won’t look good for future promotions.”

“Yeah, no kidding. But I did the crime, I’ll do the time.” I cleared my throat. “On paper. Not like in actual jail.”

He let out a short laugh. “I didn’t see anything, by the way. I knew this was your truck and had suspected this would occur after,” he scratched his bearded jaw, “the incident at Qwik Pump.”

I wasn’t a man who flushed normally, but my neck was on fire now. Thank God for the darkness. “Just write me up, and we’ll get moving.”

“That’s not necessary. You know, I caught the Chief out here with Bee once.”

I glanced at my truck again, torn between wanting the deets—so that I could take comfort I wasn’t the only abject moron to get caught with his pants down, literally—and wanting to make sure Vanessa was okay.

I didn’t have any clue what was going on with her.

Had I hurt her? Been too rough? I hadn’t exactly checked my strength at the end there, and she was so small. I’d slammed her into the steering wheel, for fuck’s sake.

I ground the heels of my hands into my eyes, recriminations pouring through me like burning lava. What the hell had I done, bringing her up here? Treating her like some random hookup when she was practically family?

“I’m a fucking moron.”

“Not arguing,” Christian said pleasantly. “But you’re not the first, and you won’t be the last. The Chief’s been where you are. And so have I.”

I dropped my hands and stared at him. “What?”

“High school. Girl of my dreams. Hormones and all that. She got pregnant, and she never spoke to me again.” He pocketed his narrow spiral notebook and stared off in the distance. “Make it right.”

I watched him take a few steps away, his footsteps crunching on a spot that had been ground into gravel by too many sets of tires. “Wait. What about the citation?”

“I’m not playing the asshole this time,” he called back, already climbing into his cruiser.

I was tempted to chase after him. How could he not write me up for something I deserved to be cited for? I hadn’t earned any second chances.

Not with the department and not with Van.

How the hell could I make this up to her? Obviously, this had been absolutely the worst move.
