Page 14 of Dane

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I smiled. “Yes, just like his father.”

We sat together in uncomfortable silence. Nolan and Dane’s faint voices could be heard from behind the door to the den.

I cleared my throat. “So, Dane told me you and Nolan just came back from Maui? Is it as beautiful there as I’ve seen in photos?”

“Yes, it’s like an island paradise. Nolan had suggested we go to Vegas for our honeymoon, but Maui was where we decided after…”

After Jimmy Caruso attacked and almost killed her.

I looked down into my wine glass. “Gina, I’m so very sorry for not doing more to help you that day Jimmy brought you to my house in Maryland. I should have done more. I should have done something.”

“I don’t blame you for what happened. Jimmy was a deranged lunatic, and Nick was even more sinister. They would have killed you too.”


Carlos left the house later, but Nolan and Gina stayed for dinner. Anna was so delighted to cook a large meal for all of us that night. Michael was giddy with excitement as he talked and talked to everyone at the dinner table. He’d only had Anna and me all his very young life, and I couldn’t recall him ever being that excited before.

After dinner, Nolan and Gina left to drive back to Washington, DC. I helped Anna clean up the kitchen; afterward, she retired to her room. I sat on the back porch with Dane and Michael enjoying the ocean view as the sun was going down.

Michael sat on the outdoor couch made of wicker and cushions decorated with little seahorses and starfish. He had his collection jar of shells in his lap, pulling out shells and mumbling to himself or showing me and Dane one he found or one Anna had found the day before. It was getting late, and Michael rubbed his sleepy eyes. He fought so hard to stay awake, just like all little children, afraid they would miss out on some spectacular event.

The black sky was filled with a billion stars when Michael fell asleep. Dane rose from his chair, handing me the jar that held the seashells. He gently scooped Michael’s tiny body into his muscular arms. Michael whimpered but didn’t open his eyes.

“I’ll tuck him in bed,” Dane whispered and carried Michael into the house and up the stairs to his bedroom.

Moments later, Dane returned, stepping out onto the porch. “How does Michael sleep? Is he good through the night?” he asked.

He looked so ruggedly handsome, wearing a black tank, jeans, and sneakers. I’d already had a few glasses of wine with dinner, and I had the urge to grab his tank and smash my mouth over his.

I cleared my throat. “Uh. Yes, he’s always been a good sleeper. He was the perfect baby. He only woke up when he was a newborn for feeding and changing.”

“Good.” He replied. “I wish I could have been here with you when he was born.”

That pang of guilt hit me in my gut again and made my shoulders feel heavy. I knew he wasn’t intentionally trying to lay a guilt trip on me, but I still felt it and always would for the rest of my life.

I stood from my chair and took his warm hand in mine. “I probably took a picture of Michael every single day since the day he was born. I’ve even printed a ton of them, and I’m working on putting them into photo albums. I would love to share them with you.”

He smiled, squeezing my hand, making my stomach flutter. “I would love that, Rory. Thank you.”

He held onto my hand and led me to the wicker couch with cushions that Michael had just slept on. When we sat, I was a few inches away from him.

He chuckled, wrapping his arm over my shoulders and pulling me closer. “I won’t bite.”

On a clear night with a full moon and billions of stars twinkling above the ocean, we were alone for the first time. I leaned my head on his broad shoulder. He smelled of the sea and cologne that mingled with his male scent.

“Tell me more about Michael.” He said the deep rumble of his voice felt so soothing. “I don’t know much about these sorts of things, but was Michael’s birth hard? Did you have any difficulties?”

My eyes burned, feeling the tears coming. Dane sounded sincere – to ask me something like that, which most men like him could care less about.

“I had a normal and easy pregnancy. The first month I had some morning sickness, but that went away. I had some Braxton Hicks.”

“Braxton what?”

“Those are contractions or false labor pains. Some women experience them. I had a vaginal birth, no cesarean. I also breast-fed Michael.”

“That’s good; I’m glad. Michael looks like a happy kid. Is there anything about his health that I need to be aware of?”

“He’s allergic to citrus – oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit. His mouth and throat will tingle.”
