Page 33 of Ghost

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They were always fighting.

I was within hearing range when I spotted Savage and Chains sneaking around the corner of the garage, laughing. Shaking my head, I asked, “What the fuck are you two up to?”

Both men shushed me as they turned to look in the window behind them.

“I didn’t touch shit!”

“What the fuck did you do to my garage?” Massacre shouted, throwing tools and crap around. “I can’t find anything!”

“I organized it. Everything is in its place.”

“So, you admit to touching my shit!”

“No, I cleaned up your shit!”

“Damn it, Reginald, I am going to beat your ass!”

“Stop calling me that, Dwayne!”

“Where the fuck is my socket wrench?” Massacre growled, moving towards his brother. When Player grinned, I knew this wasn’t going to end well. Of course, I also knew the two idiots watching the show had something to do with it. Whistling loudly, I crooked my finger at the culprits. “If they kill each other, I will beat your asses.”

Savage laughed as Chains threw Massacre’s socket wrench on the garage floor. “Damn it Ghost. We were just having some fun.”

“Have fun later and help Massacre finish these cars. Then come see me for some more fun.” Turning to the bickering brothers, I said, “Massacre, you can not kill your brother. Leave him alone. Player, go see Phantom. She needs help.”

As the boys did as they were ordered, I turned back to the clubhouse in time to see a black sedan pull up to the gates. I watched as Billy, one of our prospects, and Viper check the visitor in. When Viper whistled loudly in two short bursts, I groaned.

Today was not going to be fun.

I watched as the car was waived in and pulled to a stop right in front of the clubhouse. Making my way towards the visitor, I texted Reaper to let him know. As I put my phone away, I was surprised to see a tall gentleman with a nice suit getting out of the car. I’d never seen him before and wondered why he was here.

Reaper grinned as he zipped his pants, walking down the steps to the newcomer. Yet when the man started to talk, Reaper looked at me and shook his head. Stopping, I stayed back and watched as the man and Reaper spoke for a few minutes, wondering what the fuck was going on. However, everything changed when my brother Grimm came roaring out of the house and punched the gentleman in the face, knocking him to the ground. Brothers came running from all directions to stop Grimm from hitting the guy. Even Reaper jumped in to pull Grimm off the man.

It wasn’t like my quiet brother to attack without provocation, and when I reached the drama, I grabbed the man off the ground and placed him behind me, getting in my brother’s face. “Stop. Now.”

“I’m going to kill that fucker,” Grimm seethed.

“Go inside. Now,” Reaper ordered firmly.

“But he’s…”

“NOW!” Reaper yelled, getting in my brother’s face. Grimm said nothing more, turned, and stomped back into the clubhouse. Turning to the man behind me, Reaper said. “You’ve got a lot of fucking nerve showing up here. And standing behind my V.P. like some little bitch isn’t going to save you.”

“I was just sent to deliver a message.” The man said, dusting off his pretty suit.

“It’s delivered. Now get the fuck off my property before I let my V.P. have his way with you.”

I turned to look at the man. I was curious as to why he was here. Why my brother would go after an unknown like that. Looking at the man, he was nothing special. Tall and lanky, in his late fifties, maybe early sixties, with grey hair. He looked like any other middle-aged man around. Yet, when the fucker grinned at me, I knew something was off about him. No one in their right mind would have the balls to smile at me and live. Taking a step back, I got a better look at him, and that’s when I saw it.

On the lapel of his jacket.

The pin of the Disciples of the Word.

Before I could think, I had my gun pointed directly at his face. The man stepped back, stopping when his legs hit the side of his fancy car.

“Who the fuck are you?” I asked, cocking my gun.

“Ghost,” Massacre whispered from behind me. “Not here, man.”
