Page 54 of Ghost

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Nodding, I got up and gave Roxy a hug. “Thank you.”

“Awe, baby girl,” Roxy sniffed. “Don’t ya start cryin’ or you’re gonna get me goin’.”

Sitting back down, I watched and learned as the women did whatever they wanted to me. I was amazed at how smart they were, how they worked brilliantly with each other. Each woman paid particular attention to their task while still helping the other. When they were finished, Roxy led me over to a large wall mirror, and I gasped.

The woman I saw staring back at me was not me. It couldn’t be. She was beautiful—modern, full of life and vigor.

That was not me.

I was never those things, yet seeing my reflection, I knew it was me.

I was that woman.


Shy, innocent, uneducated Aariaani.

I was the beautiful, confidant woman within the mirror—the woman I always wanted to be but was too afraid to do anything.

Gently reaching up, I touched my long, now curly white, blonde hair with Passion Pink tips. “It’s not permanent. I couldn’t do that to you. It will wash out in about two months. You have such beautiful hair, and I didn’t want to ruin it.” Mandi said, coming up behind me.

Touching my face, I marveled at the little bit of color Stella put on me. She said it was only to accent my features. “I’ll make sure you get a list of what I used. All-natural, none of that fake crap, and easy to wash off. You have such defining features. I just wanted to highlight those.”

My eyes wandered down to the outfit I was wearing. As the leather corset I wore, my breast were pushed up, laced tight, holding me up. It was soft and fit me perfectly, including the short denim skirt Roxy gave me. My shoes came from Julie. She said every girl needed at least one pair of designer cowboy boots. And they fit me perfectly. Looking at the ladies behind me, I didn’t know what to say. There was nothing I could give them in return. They’d been so gracious, so kind, and I would be forever in their debt.

“I always wanted a daughter I could dress up,” Roxy said, moving to stand in front of me holding a little white box. “If I ever had a little girl, I would want her to be just like you. I never got my wish, but being with you, seeing you, getting to know you, I now know what it would have been like. I bought this when I first got pregnant with my Jake, but after three more boys, I knew I would never have the little girl I dreamed of. So, I would like to give it to you.”

I said nothing as she opened the small box. Inside was a pretty silver chain with a small pink pendant on the end. I’d never seen anything so delicate, so pretty before. I watched as Roxy took the necklace out of the box and secured it around my neck. Carefully touching it, I didn’t know what to say.

“I want you to listen to me, baby girl. Hear me when I say this. You are more than you give yourself credit for. You are smart, kind, and strong. Don’t let anyone ever tell you differently. Ghost told me of your past, and though I can’t take that away, I can be there for you in the future. If you ever need me, or the girls, you call, and we will come.”

All the girls nodded, and I couldn’t help it as a tear fell down my cheek. “No, don’t cry!” Stella freaked as she ran for some tissue. “You’re gonna mess up my masterpiece!”

The girls laughed, and I laughed with them.

“Come on, ladies. It’s time to party!” Roxy announced. Taking one last look in the mirror, I had made my decision. This was who I wanted to be. No more shy Ari. No more innocent Ari. From this moment forward, I was going to tackle everything head-on. If I didn’t know something, I was going to learn it. I was never going to be afraid of anything ever again.

Turning, I followed the girls’ downstairs, leaving my past behind as I welcomed my future.



The party was in full swing, and though I should have been enjoying myself, I wasn’t. I was totally and utterly fucked. I was a fucking asshole. I knew, and even Moonshine agreed. It wasn’t as if I planned on ditching her the moment I arrived. I just needed to get my head straight. Since that night at the cabin, my mind was consumed with her. My body craved hers. All I wanted to do was dip my dick into her hot tight warmth and never leave. Yet, I couldn’t get past the fact that I took advantage of her. I knew better, and I did it anyway.

When we arrived, I damn near took her right there on my bike in front of God and everybody. Instead, what did I do? I ran away like a scared pussy. By the time I realized what I had done, Moonshine’s woman, Roxy had already claimed her.

“She’s fine,” Moonshine said, handing me a beer. “The girls will be down in a few. Roxy’s all about making an entrance.”

I don’t know why I was so nervous, but I was. Taking the beer, I downed it in one swallow. Throwing the bottle on the ground, I looked at Moonshine and asked, “I need another.”

The big burly man laughed. “Damn boy. Here, try this.” He said, handing me a mason jar with clear liquid in it. Taking it from him, I gulped half of the contents down before I felt the liquid burn. Coughing, I damn near threw up a fucking lung. When I was able to speak again, I looked at the President of the Tennessee chapter and asked. “What the fuck was that?”

“What else, moonshine,” the man laughed and laughed.

“I can feel it eating my intestines!” I coughed and gagged.

“You’re supposed to sip it, not chug it.” Moonshine chuckled, slapping my back. After a few minutes of believing that shit was going to eat me inside out, I stood and took a deep breath. That’s when I felt dizzy. When I stumbled back, Moonshine whistled, and a few of the brothers came over to help me stand.
