Page 72 of Ghost

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Looking up at the sky, I didn’t see the plane.

It should be there.

It just took off.

I watched the wheels leave the tarmac. I know I did.

Where was the plane?

Nothing made sense. I didn’t know what I was seeing.

The firetrucks.

Debris scattered all over the area on fire, no plane in the sky.

EMTs, police, everyone running to help.

I couldn’t move. I didn’t want to. I wanted to be on that plane with her. She needed me. I couldn’t see anything but her face, crying out my name as she tried to reach out for me. I saw the fire surround her, engulfing her with its touch. I could hear her cry as she became no more. It was as if I was with her right at that moment, and my body rebelled. It screamed in pain, her pain.

The plane was gone.

She was gone, and that’s when everything stopped.

I was sitting on the bumper of an ambulance as a medic checked my vitals. I didn’t want him to touch me. I only wanted her. I didn’t care.

I felt nothing.

He wasn’t her.

I only wanted her.

“He’s got a concussion and some minor cuts and abrasions.”

“Can he ride?”

“I don’t think so. The others said he hadn’t spoken a word since the accident. I haven’t been able to get a word out of him. I need to take him to the hospital. He’s in shock.”


“Chaos arrange for transport for the bikes. Massacre get us on the next flight home. I want Healer to look at him. The rest of you, head back home and wait for my call.”

“Sure, thing, boss.”

“Ghost? Can you hear me? Come on man. Don’t do this to me. Snap out of it.”

“As I said, he’s there, but not there.”

“Can he travel?”

“As long as someone signs this AMA, he can leave.”

“There, it’s signed. Ravage, help me with him.”

It was raining. I don’t remember it raining. The sun was shining when I saw her. Where did the rain come from? People were standing around, not moving. I heard women crying. Why were they crying? I saw Savage, Player, and Massacre. Each wept. I’d never seen them cry before. What happened?

My brother Shadow stood next to me along with Reaper and Remi. Why was everyone unhappy? I didn’t understand.

Wake up, Baltazar.
