Page 79 of Ghost

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I smiled. “You might want to get Healer to check that gut because I’m not that good. Besides, I wouldn’t even know where to start.”

Reaper got up and walked over to a filing cabinet. Reached in and pulled a file before handing it to me. “I never understood why my Pop’s had a file on Malachi. Now, I know. There is a detailed list of everything Malachi ever did for the club, where he went, who went with him, where he stayed, you name it. He was monitored for years until Pop’s died, and I took over. If I had known why I would have ended him sooner. Now, he’s out there and doing God knows what. I need you to find him and bring his ass back here.”

Looking up at him, I asked, “You don’t want me to kill him?”

“No. I have something special in mind for Malachi. You find that bastard and bag and tag him. You get me, Dylan?”

Nodding, I took the file and quietly left.



“I hate this,” Savage muttered.

“I feel naked,” Chains added.

I was going to kill them. Every fucking one of them if they didn’t shut up. So, they had left their cuts behind and were wearing all black. I explained everything in detail with them, and they agreed. Yet, the moment we were out in the field, all I got was bitching.

This wasn’t a regular run where they could wear what they wanted. This was a deception, camouflage, hiding in plain sight. I couldn’t take the chance anyone would notice them.

“It’s not that bad,” Massacre said. “I kinda like the look. I look like some special ops dude.”

“Yeah, yourspecial,all right,” Savage laughed.

Ignoring the banter, I tried to concentrate on my task. It shouldn’t have been hard. I was just scoping the area for intel. It was nothing strenuous, but they were making it more challenging with all their complaining.

“It can’t be this easy,” I whispered in shock as I looked into my scope standing on a rooftop of a building three miles away. It was the closest I was willing to go. It wasn’t that I couldn’t get closer. I knew I could, but not with the three fucking stooges with me. For the last three mother-fucking days, the three morons drove me fucking crazy. This was the last time I let Reaper assign me help.

Never again.

I was better at going it solo.

As I looked into my scope, I had to admit that maybe the idiots were a good luck charm because this assignment was way too easy. Not that I minded, but damn. I thought it would be more complicated than this. Of course, whenever I thought something was easy, it always turned into a fucking nightmare.

Maybe they were bad luck?

“What?” Savage asked. “Let me see. You are always hogging that thing?”

“Will you leave Bullseye alone,” Massacre sighed.

“Why? All he does is look in that damn thing,” Chains complained.

“If you don’t shut the fuck up, I will put a bullet in your heads,” I said, handing the scope to Massacre. “Seriously, since we left, all you guys do is bitch. What is wrong with you?”

“We’re horney,” all three said simultaneously.

“Good grief,” I sighed. “It’s been three fucking days.”

“Are you shitting me?” Massacre said, looking into the scope. “No fucking way!”

“What?” Savage said, walking over, reaching for the scope. “Let me see.”

Massacre handed my scope over to Savage, who put it to his eye and instantly growled before handing the scope to Chains. “Dead soul walking.”

“How do you wanna play this?” Massacre asked. “I’m mean, I’m all for just riding in their guns blazing in all, but I don’t think that’s your style.”

“It’s not, and as much as I’d like to do the same, something doesn’t feel right about this. It was too easy. We need more information.”
