Page 84 of Bullseye

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In the end, it wasn’t me who contacted the young woman. It was Gadget. Since he was able to sneak in and out of the compound undetected, Ghost and Phantom both insisted that Gadget be the one to make the first contact. And after the pain of death, he was ordered not to sneak the woman and the kid out of the compound under any circumstances. He’d only done that once before when he went to scout Ari’s position.

Yeah, he got her out, but they both got shot in the process.

We needed Gadget healthy.

Not full of bullet holes.

So, when Gadget came sneaking back to the farmhouse in the dead of night, we were all waiting on him.

“If he so much as gets a scratch on him Ghost, I will hold you completely responsible,” Phantom sternly said to the grinning man.

“What happened last time was not my fault. Gadget went rogue. You can’t be serious. You’re still angry with me?”

“He was loaned to you. In perfect condition. He was returned full of holes!”

“Still, not my fault.”

“Whatever,” Phantom muttered as she went back to her computer.

“Not a scratch, sis,” Gadget said, walking in the back door.

“SIS!” all the brothers said at once.

Well, that was news.

Looking at the now red-faced Phantom, we all waited for her to say something. Anything. When she stayed silent, Reaper cleared his voice. “Phantom?”

The outspoken obstinate woman looked up, flustered. “Yes. He’s my little brother. Okay. So what? My life is my own, and so is my personal life. I don’t pry into your lives unless I’m forced to. I didn’t think it would be a problem. Besides, Gadget is the only one I trust to do what I need to be done, and he’s good. Well, unless someone gets him shot?” she said, staring daggers at Ghost.

“Fuck woman,” Ghost sighed. “Get over it.”

Trying to hide my laughter, I cleared my throat and asked Gadget, “Well, will she do it?”

Gadget sobered, looked at all the brothers staring at him, then nodded. “Yeah, she will, but we got another problem.”
