Page 97 of Bullseye

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“It’s not just about Kitty, Dylan. Look, man, if anything happens to her, you will lose your shit. It doesn’t take a genius to know that. I would do this same if anything happened to Remi. Ghost feels the same way about Ari. Besides, I know you are only with the club to protect your wife. I get that. I respect it, but what you don’t understand is that we all need you. Not because of what you do for the club, because of what you mean to us. You are more than my assassin. You are my brother.”

“Thanks for saying that, Max, but like I said, nothing is going to happen to my wife. She has me, Savage, all of you protecting her.”

“What if we’re not enough?”

“Then hell better be prepared for an influx of souls.”

Leaving Reaper outside, I headed back inside, ignoring all my brothers. I tried not to let what Reaper said to me get under my skin, but by the time I entered the bedroom and saw my wife sleeping peacefully on the bed before me, I couldn’t stop the images of her dead body filling my head.

The thought of my Kitty dead had me falling to my knees.

This life wasn’t for everyone, and I respected that. I didn’t grow up in this life and often deferred to Kitty on how to proceed. However, my wife did live the life. She had since the day she was born. She knew what this life could cost her, yet she willingly went back to this life to help me. I could have said no, and we both could have run away, hidden someplace where no one would ever find us, but my Kitty wasn’t one to run away from fear. She believed in confronting fear and kicking it in the balls to show it who was the top bitch.

My wife had balls of steel and fire in her veins. Nothing fazed her. Maybe that was because of how she grew up, but I didn’t. I knew fear.

Fear kicked my ass a couple of times, and the thought of her going after her brother again scared the living crap out of me. I knew telling her no was a sure-fire way to piss her off, and part of me didn’t care. At least she would be safe. But that was not how Kitty lived.

If she wanted something, she went after it. She fought for those she cared for and loved harder. She was my saving grace. She found me when I didn’t realize I was lost. She helped me see that there was more to life than killing, though I didn’t know what. With her by my side, I knew I would follow her into the bowels of hell if she needed me to.

Everything I did in life, I did with her in mind. There was nothing I kept from her, never holding back, always giving her my one hundred percent. But I didn’t know how I was going to provide her with this.

Since this whole mess started, she had been prepared for anything. My woman was wicked smart and planned for everything. Every move, every thought, every idea had a contingency plan. She dissected everything until an idea was nothing but a molecule in space. Then she would build it back together, meticulously, precisely, in a different order to formulate her plans. No one could say my woman wasn’t prepared. Hell, the military could use her, and still, she would have time to be there for Hailey and me.

Getting to my feet, I sat down on the bed next to her as I brushed her hair away from her face. She truly was a beautiful woman. I never considered myself a redhead man, but I was hooked when my eyes laid on her for the first time. Her beautiful blue eyes locked onto mine, and that was all she wrote.

Layla once told me that I fell at Kitty’s feet like a lost puppy in love with its new owner when we first met. I like to believe it was love at first sight like our souls met and just new. In reality, it was the way she handed their landlord his ass because he thought he could get one over on two unsuspecting women. Her fiery temper lit into that pompous fat fucker as if he were nothing but fish fodder, and when the man fled crying and she laughed, I knew she was the woman for me.

After that, the rest was history.

“What are you doing?”

Smirking, I said, “Remembering the first time I saw you.”

She yawned and grinned, “Not one of my best moments.”

“I wouldn’t say that. It was very enlightening.”

“You jumped every time I said anything.”

“That only lasted until I got into your pants.”

“Good thing you were easy then because you were amazing that night.”

“I was not easy. I made you work for it.”

“Dylan, I said take off your clothes and get into bed. I never saw a man move so fast in my life.”

“I just knew what I wanted.”

“Uh-huh,” Kitty smirked. “And what about now. What do you want?”

I growled and dragged her over me to straddle my thighs, grabbing both of her hands in mine. I held her still and stared her down, attempting a glare that didn’t look as scary as it was supposed to because I kept fighting against a smile. “You, Katherine. I always want you,” I said right before my lips descended to hers.

I placed her too far back on my legs for her to feel my erection, but after seeing the heat in her eyes, I’d bet almost anything she was turned on by my sudden advances. An unexpected urge came over me to tease her into submission. I liked being playful during sex. I believe that sex should be fun. However, when Kitty was horney, well, that was another matter. My woman was tenacious and single-minded. If she wanted an orgasm, well, she was like a bull in a China shop. She stopped at nothing until she got what she wanted.

Though I was able to bring out her playful side a few times, she’d always ended up a squirming mess on the floor with tears streaming down her face. God, she was stunningly beautiful when she laughed. Kitty shook her head swiftly and clamped her elbows against her sides. “I know that look, Dylan. Don’t even think about it.”

“Too late now, my feelings are hurt. You’re going to have to find a way to make it up to me.”
