Page 18 of Savage

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“It’s not nothing. You’ve been happy all afternoon and now you’re not. Did I do something?”

No. You’re just a fucking member of the Golden Skulls.

Stepping away from the crib and Savage, I distanced myself from him. I couldn’t let myself get sucked back in. I wouldn’t. I had come here for one purpose. I couldn’t let anything or anyone interfere with that. I’d come too far to just walk away. Yet seeing him looking at me with concern in his eyes I felt something, a yearning I hadn’t felt in years. He was getting too close. I had to stop him. Part of me didn’t want to. I knew deep in my bones that he was different. He wasn’t like the others. He was the one man who would never leave, never give up. He was a forever guy. I’d seen too much of him since his sister’s death. I knew how he felt, how he thought. He was a good man. A man I could see myself happy with but he was a Golden Skull. Always would be. And that was someone I could never be with, no matter how much I wanted to.

“Sorry. Just tired. I’m gonna head on to bed.” I quickly said, heading for the bedroom door.


I stopped in my tracks. “Yeah.”

“Thank you for today.”

“You’re welcome.” I muttered, rushing from the room.
