Page 43 of Savage

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Stretching, I smiled as I opened my eyes and looked out at the bright sunshine streaming through the window. Had to admit that was one perk living here in northern California. It was always sunny. Well, New Orleans had its pretty days too but nothing like California.

Slowly sitting up, I let the bed sheet drop as I looked around my room. It wasn’t much but for now it was mine.

Last night took its toll on the club and when everything was all said and done, Remi made it out of surgery just fine and she and Reaper had a beautiful healthy baby boy. The club brothers spent the rest of the night and well into the early morning celebrating, getting drunk and doing whatever else it was they did. I managed to make it an hour before I couldn’t hold my eyes open any longer.

I did drink a bit but not enough to get drunk like the rest of them were gearing up to do. Nope, I had a celebratory beer, then walked my dead ass up to bed.

Slipping from the warmth, I walked naked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Though I was still tired, I felt invigorated. I always did after a successful birth. Then again, any birth that both mother and child walked away from was good in my book.

Stepping under the hot spray I shampooed and conditioned my hair. Taking a few minutes to shave and luffa my body up, I relaxed more as the hot water washed all the muck and gunk away from the day before.

Though I still had the small problem of being unable to leave, I felt lighter and happier. Maybe it was the good outcome from last night’s events. Maybe it was the good night’s rest. Maybe it was waking to a beautiful perfect day or because Savage planted another mouthwatering, panty-melting, pussy clenching kiss on me that still had my lips tingling.

Touching them lightly, I could still feel the warmth of his lips against mine. Man, could he kiss.

Turning off the water, I pulled back the shower curtain and reached for a towel only to find the towel rack empty. Shrugging my shoulders, I stepped out of the shower and carefully walked over to the sink, where I quickly brushed my teeth. When I was done, I walked back into the bedroom and yelled, “Jesus, Mary and Joseph!”

There lounging on my bed as if he didn’t have a care in the damn world was Savage, grinning and licking his lips. I seethed quickly covering my breast with one hand and my crotch with my other. “What the hell are you doing in my room?”

“Thought I’d take you shopping today but seeing you now, I think I’d rather do many dirty things to you.”

“Get. Out!” I ordered, walking over to the dresser to grab a t-shirt, only to find it empty. Opening another drawer, it was empty too. Turning to him I asked, “Where the hell are all my clothes?”

“Oh, those old things. Threw them out.”

“You what!”

“Look baby. If you’re gonna be my woman, you need to look the part. That’s why the impromptu shopping trip. My woman must outshine the rest of the Ol' ladies. I have a rep. Do you like thongs?”

Taking a deep breath, I said to myself, do not kill him. He’s not worth it. He’s just trying to drive you crazy. Take a deep breath and ignore him. He will go away.

I tried to calm my anger. I didn’t show it much because I tended to fly off the handle, but I was seriously thinking of killing him now.

I could do twenty-five to life.

Too easy.

I could work in the prison’s infirmary.

No problem.

I didn’t need a man.

On a positive note, I would be far away from the club.

Cool…I had options.

Options were good.

“I can’t wait to see you in downward dog. Man, I bet your pussy tastes like candy.”

Okay. Murder it was!

The man was seriously pushing my buttons when I hadn’t even had a coffee yet. Maybe I seriously misjudged him. Maybe he needed psychological help instead of what I offered. The man did change moods faster than a toddler in a toy store. Maybe reason would work. “Savage, I am not your woman or your Ol’Lady and I never will be. Now go get my clothes before you need a surgeon.”

“Feisty,” He grinned, getting to his feet. “I like it.”
