Page 73 of Savage

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“I’m looking at the kids right now Savage. They are fine,” Phantom said, through the speaker on the table. All four of us stood around the Florida Chapter’s church table, listening intently. I wanted to believe her. I really did but I needed to see for myself. The second Jess told me what happened and what she saw, I lost it.

I admit I may have redecorated the main room but, in my defense, I was pissed. Fucking Toxic vanished, again. Then these pimp mother fuckers damn near kicked my ass, took my woman and fucking handcuffed me.

I hate handcuffs. Just thinking about the metal shackles had my blood pumping again. When I found those bastards, I was going to cuff their dicks to a cactus!

“Phantom is there any way we can see what you are looking at.? Savage is about to lose his temper again.” Jess stated, as Saber and Bones stepped back. “Would you calm down. You’re scaring everyone.”

“She’s my fucking niece!” I roared, slapping the table. “Whoever that dead fuck was, said he had them.”

“And Phantom said they are fine.”

“Okay Savage,” Phantom said, “Look at the screen.”

Turning, I watched as the television screen turned on and there she was. My princess in the arms of Roxy. “She’s fine Savage. Aren’t you precious?” Roxy cooed, as my niece smiled. “We’ve had ice-cream and we’re about to go see Trout and Slaughter. They cleared out the room next to church where all the little ones will be safe. That way we can get to them fast if need be. We’re watching Lilo and Stitch tonight. Trust me, Savage. She is perfectly safe. They all are.”

“Then how did this fucker get video of them?” Reaper shouted. Bossman was fucking pissed.

“Umm,” Sypher hem hawed, walking into view. “Mr. Reaper, he ran a relay from one of the towers, tapped into the fiberoptic and back traced it. He then piggybacked off the live feed.”

“English Sypher,” I sighed.

“Yes Mr. Savage,” the kid blushed. “He um. He hacked us.”

“How in the hell did he do that, Sypher?” Reaper roared.

The TV screen changed, split down the middle, showing each clubhouse. Reaper looked pissed. I could see Ghost on his cell phone, more than likely talking to Ari. Chaos was also on the phone talking and nodding. “My woman is losing her shit! She doesn’t need this shit right now. She just had surgery. You said the Tennessee Chapter was safer. How did he hack your system without you knowing?”

“Uh, that would be my fault,” Digger said, stepping in front of the camera. “A few of the boys and I were fishing near the pond the other day. Well, they weren’t biting and I got bored waiting. So, I went and got some of my homemade dynamite. I don’t think I mixed it right because when I lit it, all hell broke loose. Really messed up a few of the buildings out back too. Anyway, one of the damaged buildings was Syphers shed, where he houses all of his computer shit. I was waiting till he arrived to tell him. The kid said it's fixable, though.”

“Digger,” Reaper said carefully, taking a deep breath rubbing the bridge of his nose. I knew he was counting when I saw his left-hand fingers moving against his pant leg. The Tennessee Chapter was different. Unlike the Montana Chapter or the Florida Chapter, the Tennessee boys took some getting used too. They weren’t all there most days and even when they were, the rest of us really worried about their state of mind. “Go away. Sypher, get it fixed.”

“Yes, Mr. Reaper,” the kid said, bolting from the room taking Digger with him, leaving only Slaughter and Ravage behind, who were both trying awfully hard not to laugh. Had to admit now that I knew Hailey and the others were safe and the problem could be fixed, it was kinda of funny.

Taking a seat, I pulled Jess down onto my lap waiting for Reaper to say anything. Ghost and Chaos were already sitting as I motioned for Bones and Saber to do the same. Hugging her to me, I leaned forward, taking a deep breath of her sweet-smelling hair. Fuck, my woman smelled good.

“Okay,” Reaper finally said, after a few minutes. “How long will it take you to get to the camp from where you’re at Jess?”

“About two hours. It’s just south of Fort Lauderdale.”

“Good. And this fucker. He asked you to delay. Did he say why?”

“He wants a man named Sabastian Capribella.”

“Excuse me,” Reaper’s head snapped up. “Could you repeat that?”

“He said he wanted a man named Sabastian Capribella.”

“That fucker is dead, right Reaper?” I asked. “Gio killed him in New York. Unloaded both of his clips into him.”

“His body was never recovered in the wreckage. We were hoping his ass turned to ash when the tanker exploded. But there was no evidence of him.”

“Shit,” I muttered. “Gio’s not going to be happy if he’s alive.”

“No shit, Savage!” Reaper sarcastically replied, then calmly took a deep breath before asking, “Jess, did this fucker give you a name, anything we could use to identify him.”

“Yes. He said his name was Alexander Goldman but that you’d know him as Mirage.”
