Page 13 of One Night by

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Chapter Nine


The horn bellows through the air as I grab my head. A hangover from hell. What the fuck did I do last night? I glance around the room, recalling the wedding, my father, and dancing with Dani.

Then I remember the dream. It was so good, even better than the last few I’ve had. It felt real as I adjusted my boxers and made my way into the bathroom. They have been coming more frequently lately, but last night was different. It felt so right, so real. But I would never jeopardize our friendship. She means too much to me to fuck it up.

I hear the room door open, “Jacob?You okay?” She asks when I step out of the bathroom.

“Yeah, I’ll be alright once I eat something.” I run my hand through my hair. She’s already dressed in a sundress and wedge sandals. She reaches out and hands me a coffee.

“You are the best. What would I do without you?” I sip and appreciate the aroma.

“I think maybe we should talk before the brunch,” she says, and I really don’t even want to go to the damn thing. With this headache from hell and my stomach-turning. How much did I drink? I find my way to the side of the bed and grab my jacket from the floor.

Yup, just as I thought, two empty flasks don’t even include all the shots and drinks we had during the cocktail hour and reception. Regret tugs in my chest. I glance over to Dani.

“I didn’t do anything stupid last night, did I? I know we drank a lot and danced, but I don’t remember much else. I didn’t puke, did I? Or say something rude or ruin Jonathan or Michael’s time?”

Her face drops as if I said something wrong. “What? I didn’t embarrass you, did I? Dani, if I did anything to upset you or get you mad…I…I didn’t mean it. The tequila kicked my ass.” I run my hand over my face. What the hell could I have done to make her look at me like that?

“Dani, I’m sorry.”



He doesn’t remember. My chest tightens to the point it hurts. Unsure how he couldn’t remember, I stumble in disbelief, staring wide-eyed. “Dani, please. You’re my best friend. I’m sorry if I did anything to piss you off.”

I step back, “no, it’s just.” I begin, not knowing what to say. I move to the side of the bed and throw the few things into the overnight bag I bought. The anger is feeling stronger to the point I’m pissed and unsure how to handle the situation. I want to lash out. I want to scream. Fuck! I want to hit him so hard right now.

“Dani?” I won’t dare face him for fear I may do something I will regret later. I guess it’s a little late for that, especially after the amazing night we spent together. Searching my brain for the fastest way to get away from him, I opened my mouth, “I was thinking maybe we could just go home and not go to brunch.”

I zipper the bag shut and avoid eye contact. “I mean, your parents will be there, and you are in no condition to deal with anyone, especially them.” I made up the excuse. When I woke up this morning in his arms, I thought things could be different, better. But now, I can’t even bear to be in the same room with him.

“If that’s what you want, it sounds good to me. Give me a few minutes, and we’re out of here.” He says and grabs his jeans to dress.

“I’ll meet you up on deck to say our goodbyes,” I tell him, throwing my bag over my shoulder and walking briskly to the door. Without another word, I let it close behind me, hiding the tears which are ready to fall.

How does someone spend one night making love to someone and not remembering? My sore body comes alive, thinking of how his hands felt against my bare skin, how his lips mapped out every inch of my body. How he told me over and over how much he loves me.

With the boat docked and the cool breeze blowing, I try to think of anything else to help clear my head. I can see my car from where I stand and wish he was staying elsewhere.

My head lifts as I wipe the last of my tears away, masking them with sunglasses. Jacob walks up behind “ready, bestie?” he asks, and I nod. We find Jonathan and Michael drinking mimosa on the upper deck. We congratulate them again and walk from the dock to the car in silence.

After the bags are in the trunk, I get in and glare out the window while he drives.

“You okay, Dani?” he tries to get me to look at him, but I can’t.

“Yeah, I’m good. Just tired.” I sigh.

“Thank you for coming with me. I know it was just one night, but I hope you had fun.” He says, and I think, yes, it was amazing in my head. Our one night together, I will cherish and hold it dear to my heart. Yet you don’t even remember. My eyes fill with unshed tears as they close.

On the way back to the apartment, he stopped for sandwiches. While he sat down to eat, I excused myself to take a shower. I wanted to wash away the feelings he brought out of me. I wanted to forget as easily as he did. Once the water turned cold, I shut it off, wrapped myself in a towel, and walked to get a bottle of water from the fridge. On the table is his sandwich wrapper, along with a note.

I had to run out. See ya later.

I’m grateful he’s gone. I need time to process. I can’t believe I slept with him. I can’t believe he doesn’t remember. Like what the fuck!?

I grab my cell and text Nicki and Keni:

Sister night, Thursday. Bring Booze. Don’t tell anyone.

I know she is off on Thursday, and Diesel has Jacob working during the week, so he won’t be here.

They both respond with smiley emojis. God, I love my sisters.
