Page 68 of The Playboy Project

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I raised my brows.

“He’s going to kill me that I told you. But I feel like you should know. That night, Liam was only sneaking those girls out because Dad invited them to one of his stupid campaign shindigs. Then they got drunk and started getting wild at the hotel. He panicked and called Liam. That night, Liam chose to bail Dad out instead of getting to Katherine. Heck, Liam essentially secured Dad the win that year.”

“And your dad let him take the fall in the media? That’s disgusting.”

“It’s what he does. Tanner is his trophy, Mom is his funding, I’m his chess piece, and Liam is the one who has to pick us all up at the end of the night.”

I looked again at this beautiful girl I’d envied only a few hours before. I could see the haunted shadows lurking behind the eyeliner and mascara. The wary tilt of her lips as she remembered her brother's pain.

“Anyway, all I’m saying is that whole side of Liam isn’t real, not like they make it out to be. I think you should give him a chance to prove that to you.”

“But we aren’t…” I sputtered to a stop. Kind gray eyes found mine.

“It’s okay. You can tell me.”

“I’m scared of him. Of being with him. What if he’s the whole package and I’m just bits and pieces? Some significant assembly required.”

“Not to play into your pun too much…but perhaps you should try giving him some instructions. I’ve heard those help.”

I guffawed into my sangria, the glass now mostly empty. “How would you know? I bet you’ve never reassembled a single thing in your life.”

Sam lifted a brow, clicking her nails against her glass with a smirk. “Am I so easy to read?”

“No, but those are.” I pointed at her perfectly painted nails. She hurled a pillow at me, making me squeal as I ducked.

“No throwing pillows,” rolled Liam’s deep voice as he strode towards us.

“Buzzkill,” Sam sang at him.

“Not me. I’m just warning you. Ian will be up in a minute,” Liam said, dropping the pizza to the edge of the counter as his fingers flew across his phone. For a long moment, I just watched him, the steady warmth in my body growing.

When he suddenly looked up, catching me staring, he sent a delicious smile in my direction. My thighs actually twitched as I leaned into that look. Maybe hewasthe guy his sister believed.

I sipped the last of my drink, bounding up to take the pizza from Liam. I let my body brush his so that I could feel the flare of heat against my side. I didn’t know if it was the cocktail or Sam’s story, but I was feeling more and more comfortable letting my guard down around him.

I could feel his gaze on me while I doled out pizza and even while we all crammed the greasy delicious slices down our throats while teasing Ian mercilessly. Liam’s leg beside me on the couch was scorching.

Give him a chance, Sam had said.

I swallowed hard. My body was completely on board, my heart practically there even now as I tried to think of more reasons to keep this amazing man out of my life and out of my bed. I shivered.

We’d arrived at the breaking point. He had to know. There’s no way he couldn’t feel the waves of want flowing over us every time he got close. I crossed my legs, a nearly painful shot of desire driving between my thighs. And still, he smiled at his sister, a careful hand brushing over my leg casually. Each teasing pass made my skin there tingle and burn.

I bit my tongue.

“I’m headed out. Ian, can you drop me off?” Sam winked at me as Ian launched to his feet and went to gather his stuff.

I smiled, but it felt a wobbly. My mind could barely function at this point, turned to mush by the slow, delicious touches that had been directed my way all night.

“Thanks for letting me come over,” I said to Sam, rising to take my plate to the sink. I could tell that Liam wanted a moment with his sister, and I desperately needed some space to cool off.

I heard a few muffled words exchanged between Sam and Liam, and I pointedly made my hands busy, rattling around in the dishwasher. From the corner of my eye, Sam enclosed her brother in a quick, tight hug. It made my lips quirk up. I was glad Liam had somebody like Sam to hold him.

Ian waved a hand, following Sam out. The click of the latch echoed through my body. Sharp awareness that Liam and I were very, very alone. I leaned into the counter, knuckles white as I forced myself to stay where I was.

Liam walked back into the living space. His face immediately turned to me, deep blue eyes flickering over my body. His eyes were wide and hungry as they stared at me. My knees threatened to buckle at the intensity of his gaze.

“Thank you for tonight. Not many people would be comfortable doing what you did, coming in, offering advice, offering comfort. You don’t know how much that means.”

My head was shaking before I could begin the words. “Liam, you don’t have to hide from me. Not even this side of you. Besides, I like them. Even if they are a little unique.”

His jaw moved. I hoped it was with a smile.

I came around the edge of the counter, moving toward him, my hands wringing. “And I don’t want you to hide anything from me anymore. Because I like you too. I like all of you.”

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