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“Get some sleep,” Luna said.

I grunted a response, already half asleep. I heard her retreat, but not before a single, soft hand swept over my brow, smoothing the wild hair away from my face.

I smiled.

It was a family business. Not because Ashlyn and I owned it. But because the people who were part of it were family.

Through and through.


Chapter 8


“What would you send to someone with horrific food poisoning?” I swiveled my chair around to catch Peyton’s gaze.

She raised a brow at me, her fuchsia-painted lips bowing in a slight smile. “Fluids and prayers typically.”

“I’m being serious.”

“So am I.” Peyton tossed her stylus down on the table. “But if you were thinking of a certain long-legged marketing goddess who has been missing from the meetings since yesterday…I think we could get creative.”

“Yellow flag, ma’am. No calling the consultants goddesses.”

“My bad.” Peyton shrugged her shoulders. “New employee over here.”

“Not that new,” I grumbled back at her.

“Fine. I would send her a boatload of those electrolyte drinks, the ones they make for babies? And a shit-ton of crackers. Because that’s all she’s going to be able to keep down for a while.”

I stroked my chin, feeling the slight stubble that I’d ignored this morning. “Interesting.”

“You asked.” Peyton picked up her stylus, twirling it slightly in the air in front of her. “I bet you could definitely intimidate her home address out of Peter when he gets here.”

I grinned slowly. Now that sounded like fun. Peyton chuckled, her gaze focused on her iPad as we settled in and waited for Peter to show up.

“You and Peter,” I began, my gaze on my employee. “You got along rather well.”

She turned those blue eyes on me, innocent and wide. “What do you mean?”

“I just thought that maybe he…and you…” I trailed off.

Both of Peyton’s brows shot up this time. “You’re kidding, right? The man wears khakis and a button-down every day. I’m not sure he’d be into it.” She gestured down her front. Today she was in a bright-yellow dress with fishnets and some kind of enormous boots that looked like they’d kick my ass all on their own.

I shrugged, waggling my eyebrows her way. “Just saying. I caught a vibe.”

“What kind of vibe?” Peter said suddenly, appearing in the doorway.

Peyton dropped her stylus with a soft thud. I grinned at the blond man, gesturing him inside. “Nothing, Peter. Just some idle chit-chat.”

Peter plunked his bag down by one of the chairs and sat quickly. “No problem. Should we get going?”

“Yes, please,” Peyton said loudly, too loudly.

I sent her a wide smile as I opened up my notes.

