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No, fuck that. I wanted her more than anything I could remember. And I wasn’t bluffing. I was seconds from escorting her straight back to bed, where I could spend the next few hours casually dining.

On her.

“I understand,” Cici said, her chin rising up to meet my gaze head-on. Her lips curled at the edges.

“Good. Shall we?” I stepped away, offering her an elbow.

Eyelashes fluttering, she slipped one hand into my elbow. Together we walked to the car, a near painful tension growing with every step. But I kept on. I’d waited weeks for the chance to see her like this again. No business between us, no arguments, no critiques.

Just one very flimsy velvet dress. My fingers clenched involuntarily.

I opened the door for her, my hand helping her inside.

Cici was something you savored. And I meant to enjoy every second.


Chapter 10


The restaurant, Galleria, was an old favorite of mine, and when Cici had asked to go there, I’d been thrilled. Mostly because it had a strong reputation for being a dark, romantic, and secluded place. I wanted to spend the night away from everyone and everything else. No work, no interruptions.

Just her. All night.

As I escorted her through the doors, my hand warm on her lower back, I felt the tension between us growing once again. Once we were seated, I couldn’t stop myself from taking her in. Her face was as beautiful as always, the thick, dark lashes around her blue eyes fluttering as she read the wine list. The long, elegant neck led my eyes straight to the perfect slope of her breasts.

I remembered her body from that night. It had haunted me. But sitting here gave me the opportunity to soak in every bit of her without apology.

“You’re staring,” she murmured, eyes never leaving the wine list.

“Can you blame me?”

White teeth flashed as a small smile pulled at those red lips. “Not really. I stared plenty in the car.”

“Oh yeah? What did you see?”

Her gaze rose to mine. “The same handsome man I see almost every week at work.” She cocked her head. “But there’s something different when it’s just us. You’re softer. Your smile is so easy.”

“Really?” I picked up my water glass, forcing my attention to the perfect square cubes floating inside.

“Really. It’s wickedly attractive.”

I snorted into my water. My throat filled with the ice-cold liquid.

Cici grinned, but I could see the doubt, the confusion in her face. “Are you really so surprised?”

“Women like you don’t often find me attractive.” I shrugged. “At least not for longer than a month or so.”

“Women like me?” Her voice was firm. Not biting, but on alert.

I cringed internally at my wording.

The waiter slipped by. Cici ordered a chardonnay, and I ordered my usual gin and tonic. As soon as he moved away with our order, I leaned forward again.

“Women like you. Beautiful. Smart. Successful.” I gestured playfully at her.

“Interesting,” Cici said a bit curtly.
