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“Great!” Lyla moved over to sit on her grandmother’s knees. “I can’t wait to tell Max that my uncle’s dating a princess.”

I slammed my palm into my forehead, and everybody fell straight back into laughter. This time I let myself join in. At least the ice was broken.


Chapter 17


“You don’t have to do that. You’re a guest tonight,” Terri insisted as I carried the empty plates into the horse-shoe shaped kitchen.

“It’s nothing. Is there something else I can do?”

“Not at all. Like I said, you’re our guest. At least for now. If you come back, we’ll put you to work.” Terri said.

I smiled and leaned back against the countertops.

“I like to help. It makes me feel a bit more at home. I always did the dishes, a trade-off for never having to take out the trash.”

Terri smiled at me.

“My dad always did that,” I admitted after a moment.

“I’m sorry to hear you lost him.”

“Thank you. It’s one of those pains that sneaks up on you. But it’s worth it, too, to remember him.”

“I totally agree.”

My chest felt tight as we shared a sweet moment. These hormones, they were a roller-coaster. I shifted, nerves kicking back in as I leaned on the countertop. “Thank you for having me today. I know it was a bit of a surprise.”

Terri covered my hand with her own. “You are always welcome here, Cici. And I mean that. You’ll have to come back on another night when the guest of honor isn’t a preschooler.”

I laughed. Katie had explained that it was family policy that whoever was being celebrated got to pick the menu for the night. Lyla, in true preschool fashion, had picked boxed macaroni, chicken nuggets, and blueberries. It had been the oddest meal I’d had in a long time, but also one of the most fun. Katie and her mother were a riot together, and Brady was absolutely fabulous with his niece.

Just seeing him holding her, playing with her, had warmed me to my soul. He was a natural around kids, and I felt more than ever that he would be a great father.

I thought about that the whole way home. When we were getting back into town, I was surprised to see that he was driving to his place, not mine.

“Your place?”

Wordlessly, Brady nodded. A dark, tingling feeling began to spread across my body, starting at my toes and working its way higher and higher until my entire body pulsed. I licked my lips. The rest of the drive passed quickly. And when we pulled into Brady’s garage, I was practically shivering with anticipation.

“I’m sorry I didn’t ask you beforehand.” Brady’s gaze was hot on me. “But will you stay here tonight? I’m not expecting anything. I just…” His voice faded.

My heart surged, making my throat thick. I curled my fingers into his. “I’d love that.”

We made our way in, tossing our shoes into his mudroom before wandering deeper into the house. I had remembered how well-done the house was before, but even now it overwhelmed me a bit.

“Did you decorate this yourself?”

Brady looked around, a small smile on his lips. “I did not, but don’t look at me like that. I didn’t pay anyone. My sister did it.”


“No, my other sister. Adriana. She always had a great eye for interior décor and stuff. Sher and Mom used to watch HGTV for days.”

I smiled at him. “That would be Lyla’s mom, then.”
